付沛鞋店作为一个工具,干嘛的工具? 不可能忘记,付沛鞋店是我兴趣爱好的延展,它今天是一个生意,但它不可能仅仅是个生意。 Post Views: 599
Category: Dress Shoes
This Japanese brand is considered to be the best on patina. Although Japan respects French products very much, it has not been very keen for patina and focus on very classic and conservative styles. Post Views: 3,052
Justin FitzPatrick is the most well known dress shoe blogger in the world, running TheShoeSnob, he is also the founder of shoe brand J.FitzPatrick. Post Views: 4,157
这是我在淘宝鞋店里被问到的问题。 虽然皮鞋生意有了团队和不同的分工,但是客服,我一直不愿意交给别人做。因为我特别喜欢和同好交流的感觉,可以增加视野。同时在销售的一线,也比较能获得一手信息。 这是一个技术问题,虽然我不是做鞋的,但在不同的工坊和工厂,也看过很多次制作流程了,还是了解那些工序会用到胶水的。 Post Views: 553
这个名字我在PermanentStyle和PutThisOn这两个博客上读到过,但从来没有专门的采访文章。最近,对定制鞋匠William Ede-Laborde的专访中,William说Jason Amesbury是他最尊重的鞋匠,而他在今年刚刚离世。我也没有机会对这位伟大的鞋匠进行专访了,所以在网络上搜集了所有我能搜集到的信息,和大家分享。 Post Views: 461
This is a Chinese customer’s order to Maftei. It has been more than 10 months from the first foot measurement to the receipt of shoes. There have been 4 pairs of trial shoes in the middle, which is why it has been so long. Post Views: 2,851
There is a boutique in South Korea, Shoe Fever, which collaborated with Maftei. It is said that every time the shoes arrived in the store, all were sold within a week. The founder, Alexandru Maftei, fled to Austria from Romania. After successfully breaking through the world in Austria and gaining the recognition of many high-class
Lopez is arguably one of the most famous loafers, and it was selected from John Lobb’s bespoke shoes that became the earliest style of ready-to-wear shoes. The fame of Lopez is of course inseparable from the signature of John Lobb, but it is indeed the final choice of many gourmets. Let’s take a look. Post
我2024年的博客目标,是介绍新的皮鞋品牌和定制鞋店及裁缝,你看,刚1月2号,我就给大家带来了新的品牌,履诚。 Post Views: 656
哎,这不是一个经典男装博客吗?或者很多人认为的皮鞋博客吗?这个题目,从何说起? 的确是没有那么相干,但是也不是完全不相干,或者说经济学的问题,就是和生活最相关的。 Post Views: 489