Crockett & Jones was regarded as the cornerstone of welted shoes globally. The reason is many aspects, one of which is Crockett & Jones made private labels for US brands. If we divide English shoes into three levels, entry be Barker and Loake, the epitome is John Lobb, Edward Green and Gaziano & Girling, then
Category: Dress Shoes
Many shoe brands stamp serial number on the lining of their shoes and the long, meaningless numbers make consumers scratch heads and be curious. For shoe enthusiasts, we want to decode this numbers and know the meaning. Now, I have the decipher for J.M.Weston. Follow me. Post Views: 2,632
Greats是一家来自武汉的缝制鞋品牌,2004年就成立了,算是很有历史的了。以大的分类来说,Greats算是工装鞋那一类的,本来是NeverGone琛哥的领域,但因为他家其实最核心的鞋款,大部分都是模仿Alden的,而Alden横跨工装正装非常成功,于是我有了一些兴趣。 今日有幸参观了工坊,和大家一起分享一下。 Post Views: 997
The best representee of Austrian shoemaking, at least in Ready To Wear. There are several world famous bespoke shoemakers in Austria, such as Maftei, Materna and the Austrian John Lobb, Scheer Schone & Co. Speaking about Ready To Wear, actually Ludwig Reiter is more known to local people, however Saint Crispin’s built its reputation globally.
气温骤降,一些老客户问我切尔西可不可以搞一下GMTO,指定了一个款式。GMTO不是一个人喜欢就可以的,所以想让大家看看,这三款,哪一款比较受青睐。 Post Views: 1,185
Sunnyside from J.FitzPatrick is one of the best good looking Adelaide oxfords in the world for its subtle pattern originality and unique gold museum leather. Let us have a look. Post Views: 2,372
Saint Crepin is the annual limited collection of John Lobb Paris to memorize the god of shoemaking. This limited collection is built on Prestige collection, I mean the basic construction and details are the same while Saint Crepin implements even more advanced techniques to show off its mastery in shoemaking. Post Views: 2,562
Arca is the most famous model, or maybe we call it series more precisely, offered by French high-end brand Corthay. I believe most people know Corthay from Arca, and everyone who owns Corthay will not spare the chance of owning a pair of Arca. This is the shoes you never regret buying. Post Views: 2,649
法国在时尚领域,可以说永远地站在顶端,脚踩意大利,屁股坐英国,定制鞋,同样拥有者全世界最高的价格,那些价格已经让人乍舌的百年历史的英国鞋店也得俯首称臣。 大部分鞋匠都选择在大品牌里面工作,比如Dimitri Gomez就在Crockett & Jones的巴黎店里任职,提供独一味二的Crockett & Jones bespoke业务。 Post Views: 1,043
It is not precise to call this unboxing as I don’t even have a shoe box, however I definitely reviewed four new pairs of Enzo Bonafe. What happened? Keep reading Post Views: 2,605