A small workshop from Philippine. Maybe due to its language advantage, although Philippian shoemakers are not superior than Chinese, their global reputation is much better than us. Sapatero offers all services including RTW, MTO and even bespoke, but how good the shoemaker is is unknown. Post Views: 1,539
Category: Dress Shoes
这次2021年中国制鞋大赛参赛选手专访的第四期,来自湖北恩施。我觉得所谓的定制,是产品,也是人和人的关系,往朴实了说,这些要完全合适的东西,都需要时间磨合来趋于完美,也需要做东西的人和用东西的人有很多的交流,所以我一直认为这是一个本地生意,那么自然全国哪里都有,才是更方便的。 一起来看看他的故事。 Post Views: 1,497
This is the top brand in Russia, no matter the quality or price. Russia does not have a long history of shoemaking as in Soviet era, Hungary made the shoes for this country. Post Views: 1,139
三位来自威斯康星州阿普尔顿的人于1892年成立了一家销售鞋子的公司,名为W.R.P.鞋业公司。 Post Views: 1,433
I think this is the first time I am looking at a Philippine shoebrand. 这个品牌的理念就是支持本国手工皮鞋业。号称集合了菲律宾鞋都,Marikina的传统匠人来制作高档的皮鞋。 The moral is to support the local shoemaking industry and assemble most good craftsman in the traditional shoemaking area, Marikina to make high end dress shoes. Maybe due to the climate, loafers are the king, price at 120 USD, Blake
好久都没有开箱Carlos Santos了,因为我坦白来说,把更多的重心放在了Maftei上面。比较起来,Maftei更高级,更有可玩性,同时也更能带给人心理愉悦和刺激。 Carlos Santos的销售其实还不错,先前铺的货,除了酒红色的鞋子,很多人接受不了,滞销外,都卖得差不多了,所以新进了一些货。 Post Views: 2,051
I admire diversity very much and am very glad to see so many countries come to the horizon to promote welted shoes. Post Views: 1,412
英国的鞋,是非常受到正装皮鞋消费者喜爱和高看的,而且高中低,档次分明。我作为消费者,喜欢这样的简单明了的信息。 其中入门有两个品牌,一个是Loake,一个是Barker,都是1880年成立。 Post Views: 2,417
Lloyd this brand is quite confusing as there was one entering China market very early and earned great reputation, and that one is from Germany. Today Lloyd Germany still exists, but at the very low quality. The full name of Lloyd Footwear is Lloyd Footwear England, it must be an English brand, but is it?
这位选手恐怕是2021中国制鞋大赛最年轻的参赛者了,而且,他来自日本。哈哈,他是中国人,只是现在在日本学习,所以,也算是海外参赛者了。 一起来了解他的故事。 Post Views: 2,323