In shoe aficionados’ eyes, John Lobb or Edward Green may be the best English shoes, but in American’s eyes, or for most outsider of this circle, Church’s is the best. The reasons are different, for American, Church’s is the first one they can see in the US as early as 1920s. And for fashion consumers,
Category: Classic Menswear
It is joyful to see many shoe aficionados discussing Chinese RTW shoemakers, among which, maybe Oct. Tenth is the most famous, partly because of its cooperation with Sons of Henrey, a brand very followed and active on StyleForum. But a very present player is seldom mentioned, Mattina. Post Views: 2,236
这是近年来意大利衬衣制造商里的当红炸子鸡之一,主打的,必然是高手工含量。 G.Inglese来自意大利的Puglia,这里是意大利的农业大区,并不富裕。 G.Inglese的工坊就在人口只有两万人的小镇Ginosa上。 Post Views: 1,624
The English shoemaker brand, James Taylor & Son has been abused for more than two years in China. Post Views: 1,654
冬季配件极强的功能性,保暖,但同时也是搭配提色的重要组成部分。 下面这几个最常见的,都有不少花头可以玩。 Post Views: 1,882
灯芯绒的起源,一点也不高端,简单来说就是耐操的工作服面料。 但是在20世纪30到40年代,这个面料也进入了定制西服。 Post Views: 1,890
谈绅装,包括更广袤的绅装文化,英式是绕不开的,尽管现在全世界的绅装,都在向意大利风格演变,尤其是在亚洲,基本就是意式风格的天下。 写英式风格很容易,因为据我们所知,英国是裁缝的起源地,对此已经有很多说法。 但是假如你搜索英式风格,又没有很明确的规则。这篇文章是个尝试,总结几个特征。 Post Views: 1,560
在男装面料的经典中,花呢是最典型的之一,让人联想到乡村和英国的寒冷天气。 一个多世纪以来,它做成各种各样的服装,并为穿着者带来休闲的优雅。 Post Views: 1,554
There are several world famous bespoke shoemakers in Austria, such as Scheer, Maftei and Materna, but speaking about Ready To Wear, eh……does anyone come into mind? Yes, Ludwig Reiter, anyone else? Sorry. But there is one called Feinen Wiener Schuhmanufaktur, in English, Fine Viennese Shoemaker, A too general name never gives great products. No history