青毡是一家上海的手工皮具工作室,除了纯手工的制品和体验外,同时也是英国一些皮革的经销商和推广者,其中比较著名的,就有马缰革品牌J&E和皮鞋爱好者都知道的J.F.Baker。 在经历了多年的修炼后,终于推出定制皮带业务,同样,马缰革与手工是最大的卖点。 Post Views: 1,528
Category: Classic Menswear
I mentioned this brand several time and it now belongs to New & Lingwood. New & Lingwood is a high end menswear shop in UK, and its most iconic products are Dressing Gown and bespoke shoes. It later released Ready to Wear shoes, but no matter it is bespoke or RTW, they are both in
As many people know, I am an extremely boring person, and the favorite shoe is the black cap toe Oxford. If it weren’t for rotation and wearing all the shoes I have, I could wear black cap toe Oxford every day. Today, someone mentioned that you can’t wear black cap toe Oxford every day in
不知道多少人知道Seraphin这个品牌,又或者说到奢侈皮衣,大家会想到什么品牌。 Post Views: 2,152
Tannery Martin is a ten generation family business in Germany which only produces Oak Bark Tanned Leather, and the final product is familiar to every shoe aficionados, the leather sole. Post Views: 1,834
这是一份榜单,目的是为了帮助爱好者们有指导性的消费。 我对衣服当然是没有发言权,所以这次我请了多位资深大拿们来担当评委。这些大拿都是纯消费者,并且神农尝百草,国内许多家都做过,即使是英国和意大利最顶尖的,也有相当数量的订单。他们对定制服装的理解,经验,都使得这个榜单有相当的公信力。总分为评委总分的平均数。 Post Views: 4,204
Yearn Shoemaker is more known in China with the name SLIMSHOES. Post Views: 1,573
Winson shoemaker is the top talent from Indonesia, considered one of the best shoemakers in Southeast Asia, I am very glad to have the oppotunity to talk with the man behind, the real Winson, Emil Rahmana Putra. Post Views: 2,856
这个话题是从定制鞋匠来的,或者再泛一点,手工制鞋匠人。 当我们讨论一双鞋子使用手工制作或者机器制造的时候,会有几种观点。 Post Views: 1,871
Arterton is a UK brand focusing on Garment bag and dismantlable umbrella, both are not so much discussed even in the most enthusiastic communities. https://www.arterton.co.uk/ When every classic menswear connoisseur agrees that the devil is in the details, these pieces definitely should not be left behind. And we thank William, the founder to fill the