My Shoe Collection – Saint Crepin 2010 from John Lobb

Saint Crepin is the annual limited collection of John Lobb Paris to memorize the god of shoemaking. This limited collection is built on Prestige collection, I mean the basic construction and details are the same while Saint Crepin implements even more advanced techniques to show off its mastery in shoemaking. Post Views: 2,585

旅行面料Holland & Sherry Crispaire与Hardy Minnis Fresco

Holland & Sherry的Crispaire面料是世界上第一款强捻面料,但是就是为了满足长期出差又要穿西服人的需求。最重要特性,当然是抗皱。 它的抗皱,来源于纱线被纺织地更加紧密,然后在织布中,实现了每股纱线中更大的缝隙。这个孔隙提供了超绝的回弹,同时也更加通风透气。 Post Views: 1,302

传奇而低调的法国鞋匠,Stephane Jimenez

法国在时尚领域,可以说永远地站在顶端,脚踩意大利,屁股坐英国,定制鞋,同样拥有者全世界最高的价格,那些价格已经让人乍舌的百年历史的英国鞋店也得俯首称臣。 大部分鞋匠都选择在大品牌里面工作,比如Dimitri Gomez就在Crockett & Jones的巴黎店里任职,提供独一味二的Crockett & Jones bespoke业务。 Post Views: 1,060

My Shoe Collection – Sinatra from Gaziano & Girling

Sinatra is one of the most popular models offered by Gaziano & Girling, but I read most apprecaite Sinatra for its iconic small square toe last TG73, not for its Wholecut pattern. This may be a compliment for Tony Gaziano’s unmatchable talent of making last. Let us check my pair. Post Views: 3,373