Many people may think I don’t like Allen Edmonds, while it may be true, but the extent can be discussed. In fact I appreciate Allen Edmonds a lot because it is the only left dress shoe brands in the US. I know there are others, but heritage wise, Allen Edmonds wins and stands alongside with
Tag: Allen Edmonds
As the most known dress shoe brands in nowadays US, Allen Edmonds is no doubt the No. 1 choice for many men. My personal experience with AE is mostly satisfactory, leather is good quality, construction is decent. Post Views: 6,010
Ralph Lauren (不)合理价位:1250美元(紫标) Ralph Lauren的鞋子都是代工的,这个它们自己也毫不掩饰。 Polo线在2000年左右的时候,是Crockett & Jones代工的,然而到了2005年,就不是了,变成了意大利的Sesto Meucci。 Post Views: 4,037
其实这个名字,一写出来,大多数人都是听说过的,可以算是美国正装鞋第一品牌了吧。这个第一是认可度第一,既不是销量最多,也不是最为昂贵。大家知道的,奥巴马就是它的粉丝,或者说忠实客户。当然啦,大家知道它,还是因为它作鞋,不过它也发展了自己的鞋护理品产品线,而且,还相当的完整。 Post Views: 1,925
Speaking about welted shoes in USA, there are a lot of players, but comparing to workboots, dress shoes manufacturers are quite weak, and the fame still holds only to two: Alden and Allen Edmonds. Post Views: 2,748