Unboxing Oatmeal Suede Butterfly Loafer New from Carlos Santos

I’ve always been quite critical of Carlos Santos’ best-selling Elliot around the world because, well, it’s so featureless. Although the lack of features is precisely why it sells the best, as most people don’t want the shoes to be special, plain is good. But I always feel that the object of leather shoes, as a

Unboxing Butterfly Loafer Hawthorne from J.FitzPatrick

J.FitzPatrick is the best designed middle range shoe brand in the market, and it has two signature features, one is clashing colours and textures on a pair of shoes or boots, the other is to bring the antique models back to modern age, such as button boots and Butterfly Loafer just like this model, Hawthorne.


因为我的工作出差特别多,而我又是一个非常轻装上阵的人,所以经常一周甚至两周,就穿同一双鞋。 我知道这样对鞋不健康,容易老旧得快,但是现实比人强,一个苦逼搬砖人,也没办法那么讲究了。 这双完美之鞋就是今年才出来的Carlos Santos的新款,New。New是鞋款名称,不是新的意思哦。 那为什么我觉得它完美呢? 一起来看看。 Post Views: 704

Unboxing Kennewick from J.FitzPatrick

J.FitzPatrick is never a boring brand, no matter who is copying who, J.FitzPatrick never participates this game. Originality is the ACE of this brand, of its founder Justin FitzPatrick. Kennewick is a relatively new model among J.FitzPatrick offerings and it is so antique that I fell in love with. Let us have a look. Post