特吕弗和Thom Wills直接杠上了!

这两个品牌,可能是中国缝制鞋里,知道的人最多的。同时,也是爱好者群体中谈论的较少的。因为它们更面向广大的消费群体。 正是因为没有太多爱好者的关注,所以这两家的爱恨情仇,很多人都不清楚。 特吕弗曾经是Thom Wills的代工厂,后来因为Thom Wills的价格压得太低了,所以决定自创品牌来做。 这个商业行为,其实从双方角度来说,都没错。 然后Thom Wills和特吕弗就势不两立了,说特吕弗偷窃了它们的楦型和设计,有我没他,有他没我。 特吕弗一直不回应,也不应战,但是现在,撕破脸了! Post Views: 839

An Interview with FU Jie, Founder of Yearn Shoemaker/SLIMSHOES

FU Jie is the founder of the SLIMSHOES brand, which was established in 2018. SLIMSHOES/Yearn Shoemaker is a brand based in Chengdu, At present, there are two physical stores in Chengdu, and there are also online stores on Taobao. The UK haberdashery Arterton is carrying them to showcase to discerning customers in Europe. Main players