作为神圣铁三角之二(另一个是John Lobb),Tuczek和Gatto的历史都是晦涩不明的,并非历史上有什么不清晰,而是因为现在公司已经不存在,没有家族成员的传承,这些历史信息都随风飘散了。 还是总有一些对历史有兴趣的人,皓首穷经,走访传人,将历史又拼凑起来,展现给世人。 Post Views: 59
Tag: London
As a well-rooted shoe brand in London with a long history, it’s really embarrassing that its reputation is so dim. I can draw a conclusion that if you choose to go down, then your ending can be predicted when you take the first step. If you choose to go up, in the short term, your