An extremely artful pair of shoes, which can only be found in bespoke shoemaking. For this model, I think all the packaging is not important anymore, let us check the shoes directly. Leopold I, (born June 9, 1640, Vienna—died May 5, 1705, Vienna), Holy Roman emperor during whose lengthy reign (1658–1705) Austria emerged from a series of struggles with
Tag: Seamless
For such a long time, this the first pair of loafers from Maftei. And this pair uses Maftei’s signature craft, onepiece (seamless). Post Views: 1,690
青岛不算经典男装的消费中心城市,但是青岛的从业者,却代表了当今中国经典男装领域的巅峰。 张潇,中国独立裁缝的第一人。 姜道远,对于缝制鞋的专注,可以打动每一个人。 Post Views: 193
Wholecut Oxford was invented by Berluti, or to be precise, by Berluti’s founder, Italian Alessandro Berluti, in 1895. Post Views: 2,882
You may have heard of Seamless Wholecut Oxford, the eptiome of shoemaking, at least on handlasting skills. The upper is made of a piece of leather without any functional or decorative stitching. Its advantage is that it is very simple, which is equivalent to Chelsea boots in shoes. Post Views: 345
The answer is, artificially added. It’s like there’s big, and there’s bigger than big. And Ford has the Focus, the new Focus, the all-new Focus (that’s the official name of the three generations of the product). In essence, there is no real and fake. Post Views: 1,267
Many people know that I work in an automotive company that has a supercar line. There was a meeting with a very senior executive called Skip Level, and he used a word that impressed me very much. He said the brand is selling Sensation. This word really struck me. Post Views: 1,993
Tassel loafers can be found from any shoemaker or brand, what makes Maftei’s good? I think it still gravitates to its iconic seamless upper. Lukas is named after the actor who firstly entrusted Alden to develop the first tassel loafer in the world. Post Views: 1,491
无穷无尽的真一片式,让这个被公认的最高超制鞋技术之一的产品,走入寻常人家。并且在这个没有鞋面设计的鞋子上,看看Maftei用擦色进行无限创作。 Post Views: 2,307
最近是密集的给大家展现Maftei的招牌款式,Onepiece,也就是真一片式牛津。 鞋底有两个风格,一个是极限收腰,一个是伦敦腰。但除此以外,鞋子本身刚刚做好的时候,是没有任何差别的,仅仅是颜色的处理。 Post Views: 1,922