在曾经顶级客户圈子中,皮鞋领域有三个鞋匠是最为认可的,对于他们来说,鞋匠的名气不重要,因为他们本人都是社会的顶部人士,但是鞋子是否做得舒适,优雅,他们太有发言权了,一辈子都在使用最顶级的东西。 这个神圣铁三角是John Lobb,Gatto和Nikolaus Tuczek。 Post Views: 164
Tag: UK
There are a lot of shirt brands in Britain, large and small, with a long history or quite new, but the hottest one at present is Emma Willis, with a female head. Post Views: 3,881
这个名字我在PermanentStyle和PutThisOn这两个博客上读到过,但从来没有专门的采访文章。最近,对定制鞋匠William Ede-Laborde的专访中,William说Jason Amesbury是他最尊重的鞋匠,而他在今年刚刚离世。我也没有机会对这位伟大的鞋匠进行专访了,所以在网络上搜集了所有我能搜集到的信息,和大家分享。 Post Views: 450
Abbot’s Shoes is a new online used shoe shop based in UK. Second hand shoes is not very popular in Europe as in Japan where there are tens of great shops. To buy second hand shoes, most people will choose Ebay and try his luck. Abbot’s Shoes offers another option that the shoes are in
这是一家已经消亡的英国皮鞋品牌。可能就和生物一样,消亡的比现存的多,在北安普顿区域曾经存在的鞋厂,今天还剩下的,几乎每一个大家都耳熟能详了,而一些存在过的,留下了一些鞋子,都让人惊叹或缅怀。 Post Views: 1,659
I know this brand a long time again from blog ShoeSnob, but I did not want to talk about is as it was cemented. Although it moved to welted shoes, the design is still too high street fashion and its style never holds from traditional English to patina oriented. Post Views: 1,421
The private label of the very famous English online shoeshop, Pediwear. Post Views: 5,291
In classic menswear community, when you say the word Windsor, the first thought must be Duke of Windsor, the previous Prince of Wales. And this brand is not disappointing and English. Shoes are either welted or cemented, but all made in India. Post Views: 1,939
The logo says 1794, if that is true, this brand would be the oldest shoemaker in England! I cannot find any information about this old brand, and the current one was owned by a famous Northampton shoemaker, and sold to the current owner who built its own factory in India to produce. Price is 180