不知道是因为武汉的经典男装爱好者太幸福了,还是因为我,让武汉的经典男装爱好者都幸福起来,在武汉消费经典男装,性价比顶爆全国。 历数一下,有审美和做工在国内稳居第一梯队的李渊,有Brunello Cucinelli,Tom Ford和Kiton便宜到可以随便开火的Gellaria Privata,有周老气强势代言的拾艺,有工装靴代表选手Greats,还有我尚未介绍到的夹克之王Chris Peng。 今天,还要给大家带来裤王。 Post Views: 974
Tag: Wuhan
拾艺是来自武汉的全定制店铺,在周老气的强势带动下,在社交媒体上获得了相当大的关注度,这不,我也去尝鲜。 这块面料是在吕晓龙那里拿的,吕晓龙那边有不少性价比很高的尾料。 关于定制流程,就和我与每个店家的沟通完全一样,做你家的招牌风格,不用问太多我的意见。 我认为对一个衣服最好的理解和体验,就是多穿,不管是主观,还是客观的判断,都是最有价值的。 Post Views: 711
If Wuhan is the best shopping city for gentlemen, how about Shanghai? Can Wuhan’s gentry consumption atmosphere be stronger than Shanghai’s? Not really, but if you’ve been to Galleria Privata, you feel that Wuhan is really wonderful. Post Views: 722
Everyone knows that I publish a bespoke tailoring house list every year, and LiiYuan is a very high rating house on the list in 2023. Post Views: 952
LiiYuan is the top bespoke tailoring house in Wuhan and even the whole country. It tops at aesthetics as well as handwork. LI Yuan, as the manager, has more exposure to customers, Zhang Chunhai, is known as Teacher Zhang, and only a few people who have LiiYuan clothes know. What is the division of role
The brand of LiiYuan has actually been around for some years, and it used to have some cooperation with many well-known stores in China. Strangely, LiiYuan is not as well-known as it once was, but it has amazing offerings (good tailoring) and, more importantly, aesthetic originality. I very much hope that his works can be
如果说上海的Phispoke是一家隐世且极具实力的定制店,那么武汉的Lii Yuan Bespoke,同样可以得到这样的评价。 Post Views: 1,090