Carlos Santos Elliot vs Crockett & Jones Grantham 2

我今天看到一双鞋子,虎躯一震,怎么和Carlos Santos的Elliot一模一样!撞衫的感觉可是非常差劲的! Elliot是Carlos Santos在中国,和在全世界都卖得最好的核心款式。我认为它卖得好,主要归功于两点,第一个是362楦型,法式Ivy,既休闲又不会像美式Ivy那么圆短。 Post Views: 221


乐福是谁发明的?很多人不知道,一些以为自己知道的,可能会说Alden。但是Alden只是发明了流苏乐福,不是乐福。另外更加专业的,会回答Aurland,挪威品牌,嗯,说到这个,还是有点家伙的。 但是被公认的,主流乐福的发明人(品牌),就是来自英国的Wildsmith。一定很多人没听过。没听过就对了,这不就是我科普的机会了吗? Post Views: 159

My Shoe Collection, Buonarroti from Sutor Mantellassi

The Italian shoe factory, founded in 1912, has always had a good reputation. It has the iconic blue outsole. But after being acquired by Korean E-Land Group, it plummeted. Basically, in the men’s shoe circle, no one talks about this brand anymore. It stands to reason that after you buy it, you must use this

Unboxing Iconic Loafer 726 from Saint Crispin‘s

Austrian shoes are known all over the world thanks to Saint Crispin’s. In the early days of the spread of dress shoe information, most people knew luxury English shoemakers such as John Lobb, Edward Green and Gaziano & Girling, then Berluti in France. Corthay and Aubercy were not discussed online at the time. There are


作为一个圆胖爱好者,所有圆头的楦型,都让我更有亲近感,所有犀利的,棱角分明的,都让我敬畏且远离。 乐福是一个相对独特的款式,因为在所有正装皮鞋里,乐福是最不正式的,休闲程度最高的。(不要在这里争论Opera Pump。)正式在服装上,体现的就是棱角分明,就是我们想象的英式西服的横平竖直。所以休闲属性拉满的乐福,在全世界范围内,都是圆头当道。 而且随着服装休闲属性的升高,圆头的憨傻特性持续增加。这一点不仅仅在乐福上,德比,靴子都有很好的例证。 那么,是否有方头的乐福呢? Post Views: 373

My Shoe Collection, Loafer from Brooks Brothers

For people who like dress shoes, what will come to mind when mentioning Brooks Brothers’ shoes? Naturally it’s the very historical brand, Peal & Co, bought back from the UK which was a bespoke shoemaker and released ready to wear collection made by Crockett & Jones. Without Peal & Co logo on sock lining, there