中国传统服装的袖子,加上袖口,在几千年的历史中,玩出来的花样并不多,但是仍然有一些养分可以让绅装借鉴。 我觉得可以简单的分成两个大类,一个是袖子的大小和袖口的大小,另一个是袖口的设计。 Post Views: 2,347
Author: FU Pei
如果说上衣下裳是中国历史上出现的第一个服装样式,那么深衣就是第二个了。 当然不是说深衣的同期没有其他的服装样式,但是产生深远影响的,深衣的地位,是这般高的。 Post Views: 3,064
这种风牛马不相及的东西一起谈,总会产生奇妙的化学反应。 每当我看到魏晋时代的服装特性,都会联想到意大利的“解构”西服。 Post Views: 1,634
For who are not shoe enthusiasts, English brands and Italian brands, which is more famous? The answer is Italy as they entered China market much earlier and targeted more levels of customers, you cannot image how many people know Santoni and a.testoni in China. But there is a nickname many people heard of, THREE TONIS,
A small workshop from Philippine. Maybe due to its language advantage, although Philippian shoemakers are not superior than Chinese, their global reputation is much better than us. Sapatero offers all services including RTW, MTO and even bespoke, but how good the shoemaker is is unknown. Post Views: 1,555
有一种测试皮革质量的方法,就是弯曲皮革,然后检查表面会不会开裂。 但是这个测试没有太大的意义,起码对于皮鞋用到的皮革来说是这样。 Post Views: 2,106
这次2021年中国制鞋大赛参赛选手专访的第四期,来自湖北恩施。我觉得所谓的定制,是产品,也是人和人的关系,往朴实了说,这些要完全合适的东西,都需要时间磨合来趋于完美,也需要做东西的人和用东西的人有很多的交流,所以我一直认为这是一个本地生意,那么自然全国哪里都有,才是更方便的。 一起来看看他的故事。 Post Views: 1,523
This is the top brand in Russia, no matter the quality or price. Russia does not have a long history of shoemaking as in Soviet era, Hungary made the shoes for this country. Post Views: 1,161