Lloyd this brand is quite confusing as there was one entering China market very early and earned great reputation, and that one is from Germany. Today Lloyd Germany still exists, but at the very low quality. The full name of Lloyd Footwear is Lloyd Footwear England, it must be an English brand, but is it?
Author: FU Pei
这位选手恐怕是2021中国制鞋大赛最年轻的参赛者了,而且,他来自日本。哈哈,他是中国人,只是现在在日本学习,所以,也算是海外参赛者了。 一起来了解他的故事。 Post Views: 2,341
意大利鞋当然是个很概括性的称呼,比如昨天才开箱的Enzo Bonafe,虽然是很根正苗红的意大利品牌,但是鞋子在我眼里,并不是意大利味道很重,或者换个说法,我一看到,,无法下定论这是不是意大利的鞋子。 Post Views: 2,014
This match is inspired by the same contest host by Justin FitzPatrick (ShoeSnob) and Jesper Ingerversen (Shoegazing), as Justin told, this match will be Europe centered, and no plan to be in China in a short time. So I think to host a China Branch is not a bad idea. Below are the rules for the
Maftei is a bespoke shoemaker in Vienna, the founder and captain backing his own name is Alexandru Maftei, a great man. He has been working together with John Lobb London for 40 years. This coopeartion is not purely Lobb outsourcing to low cost region, more importantly, to preserve the craftsmanship in Europe. The youngest worker
This Model Archive collection makes me open my eyes and see the grand world! Rossi & Caruso is an Argentina brand. When we talk about consume in American, we merely think of the US, South American is left behind, and in fact, there isn’t any name recalled. Post Views: 1,270
这是来自英国的皮鞋品牌,同样的模式,我想,高端的就是George Cleverley,中端的是New & Lingwood,而相对低端的,就是Herring了。 Post Views: 2,064
虽然我关注的是皮具护理,但是包的里衬,使用帆布的还是不少的,比如标杆马家。 这个浅色的帆布,如何清洁呢? Post Views: 3,278
这个和我喜欢的品牌,有个区别,比如我很欣赏Mattina的鞋子,美学没得说,但是由于楦型和我脚型不是那么适合(或者我没找到合适的尺码?),就不在这个清单里。 然后只谈成衣成鞋,不谈定制。 Post Views: 1,415