I once talked about the Chinese brand Ray Kwok, the founder GUO Rui (the same as Ray Kwok), who is a crazy configuration enthusiast. When I talked to the marketing director of Vibram China, he told that Ray was the one who asked them the most, and GUO Rui really looked like an engineer rather
Author: FU Pei
This is a wanton era, an era of logo fever, and an era when money must be dazzled. Every era has its own characteristics and social and historical roots, so it is impossible to refute it or to target it aimlessly. In the field of classic dress shoes, people also see the distinctive and outstanding
这两个品牌,可能是中国缝制鞋里,知道的人最多的。同时,也是爱好者群体中谈论的较少的。因为它们更面向广大的消费群体。 正是因为没有太多爱好者的关注,所以这两家的爱恨情仇,很多人都不清楚。 特吕弗曾经是Thom Wills的代工厂,后来因为Thom Wills的价格压得太低了,所以决定自创品牌来做。 这个商业行为,其实从双方角度来说,都没错。 然后Thom Wills和特吕弗就势不两立了,说特吕弗偷窃了它们的楦型和设计,有我没他,有他没我。 特吕弗一直不回应,也不应战,但是现在,撕破脸了! Post Views: 1,263
I think J.M.Weston is a hidden treasure. Why is that? Speaking about fame, it is only recognized in France and Japan, but in this two countries, it is maybe more sought after than John Lobb or any other English brands. There is a funny fact about J.M.Weston that its most loved and iconic models are
I think there is one difference between material and spiritual things, that is, spiritual things may need aesthetic cultivation, while material things can basically be completed by senses. Post Views: 3,258
The news that JR in Germany closed the factory surprised dress shoes lovers. In welted shoe industry, it is not uncommon to go bankrupt. For example, in 2021, there were British Foster & Son and Alfred Sargent, two great brands were gone. Post Views: 2,594
The most common material for suits has to be wool. In spring and summer, it is usually a blend of wool and silk, or mohair, which is still quite formal. But for a cooler, or more casual feel, cotton suits have a place, so what are the pros and cons of cotton suits? Post Views:
在公布了这个新品牌的一些信息后,有不少读者希望了解更多的产品相关内容,也有询问价格和上市日期的。 这些信息都没什么值得保密的,价格2580,手缝沿条,伦敦腰。 然而,相比于产品、配置与商业,这个品牌更像是一场文化之旅。 Post Views: 947
English tannery Charles F. Stead is regarded the best suede supplier, at least in shoemaking industry. It offers much more leather than the three collection I talk here, however these three are most used and recognized. Post Views: 3,023
很多人调侃喜欢看皮鞋皮质的人,没人会跪在地上看你的鞋。但是作为自己最喜爱的物件,会把玩,应该是很正常的吧。我们把它当做一个有实用价值的工艺品,关注它的一切细节,然后精益求精,何罪之有啊! 什么是好皮?简单两句话,折痕细腻,镀层薄(最好没有)。 因为有这个结论呢?这个结论的依据是什么呢? 答案是,物质上,好的东西,真的不需要教化。 我总是举这个例子,你看到布加迪和比亚迪,就算是对车一点也不懂,也不用谁告诉你,哪个是更好的。 Post Views: 329