我今天看到一双鞋子,虎躯一震,怎么和Carlos Santos的Elliot一模一样!撞衫的感觉可是非常差劲的! Elliot是Carlos Santos在中国,和在全世界都卖得最好的核心款式。我认为它卖得好,主要归功于两点,第一个是362楦型,法式Ivy,既休闲又不会像美式Ivy那么圆短。 Post Views: 555
Author: FU Pei
这个6折,不是清仓,不是断码,不是样品鞋,是点菜!是你想要的款式! Post Views: 541
As a bespoke shoemaker with a very high market share in Central Europe, Maftei has a lot of customers in Austria and Germany, and many customers in Western Europe or Asia only learned about this brand when they arrived there, and then spread its reputation little by little. Because of the markets and customers he
I said that the goal of 2024 is to introduce new brands, last time I talked about Lvcheng, and this time it is an Iron Boots. Post Views: 1,251
Anyone who knows me knows that when I look at a brand, I care a lot about its originality. Because formal leather shoes are a small filed, the space for innovation and maneuver is almost zero in the eyes of outsiders. Aren’t dress shoes just dress shoes? Isn’t it what you wear for interviews, meetings,
其实并非经典男装,最起码可以衍生到时尚领域,甚至更广阔的也可以。我们仅仅以经典男装来举例。 我怎么开始思考这个问题的呢?就是不少消费者对商家的态度,例如无奸不商,例如利益是对立的,总之,就是不信任,敌对的关系。 然而我一直认为,买卖应该是一个各取所需的行为,并不存在一方占了另一方的便宜。然而为什么还会有这样的敌对思维存在呢? Post Views: 582
Maftei really loves the Navvy style, maybe just like Jesper said, Central European shoes are sturdy and durable, so favour Norwegian construction and split toe. Maftei has the same concept of leather in this style, from shell cordovan to buffalo to suede, and then to the grained leather today. Post Views: 2,460
图王每天都会从Instagram上下来很多美图,供群友们欣赏,我看到这双,从一个角度就会觉得是双非常好的定制鞋,但我的着眼点,一定和绝大多数人不一样。 用这个例子来解说下。 Post Views: 512