我几乎每天都在接触这个词和这个品类,来自于不同的人群,比如爱好者,比如店家,比如媒体和作家。我觉得就好像衣物一样,在自己尝试了一定数量以后,会有自己的体验和观点。 Post Views: 1,089
Author: FU Pei
This may be the most extensive knowledge about shell cordovan leather you can find on internet except those written by tannery owners. Recently I read that Meermin released many odd shell cordovan shoes, such as waxed shell cordovan, museum shell cordovan. So even I fell in and out of love with shell cordovan, I am
Arca is the most famous model, or maybe we call it series more precisely, offered by French high-end brand Corthay. I believe most people know Corthay from Arca, and everyone who owns Corthay will not spare the chance of owning a pair of Arca. This is the shoes you never regret buying. Post Views: 2,660
法国在时尚领域,可以说永远地站在顶端,脚踩意大利,屁股坐英国,定制鞋,同样拥有者全世界最高的价格,那些价格已经让人乍舌的百年历史的英国鞋店也得俯首称臣。 大部分鞋匠都选择在大品牌里面工作,比如Dimitri Gomez就在Crockett & Jones的巴黎店里任职,提供独一味二的Crockett & Jones bespoke业务。 Post Views: 1,058
It is not precise to call this unboxing as I don’t even have a shoe box, however I definitely reviewed four new pairs of Enzo Bonafe. What happened? Keep reading Post Views: 2,616
Sinatra is one of the most popular models offered by Gaziano & Girling, but I read most apprecaite Sinatra for its iconic small square toe last TG73, not for its Wholecut pattern. This may be a compliment for Tony Gaziano’s unmatchable talent of making last. Let us check my pair. Post Views: 3,370
Gaziano & Girling is the most sought after welted shoe brand in the world. Oxford is not a category but its model name which is very unusual, but it tells that Gaziano & Girling thinks this is the real oxford shoes, the quintessential one. This pair has been worn for more than 6 years and
Mattina很早就有女鞋业务,而且还有非常厉害的买家秀,趁着过节,给老婆来上一双,我还能趁着发个文章。 话不多说,看看和男鞋相比如何。 Post Views: 967
最近在重庆和一位非常隐秘的鞋匠有交流,他现在有非常稳定且有消费实力的客户,而且全部不是爱好者,所以我也无法为他做什么宣传,他也不想我做什么宣传,带来无聊的爱好者们。但是我们对这一行还是聊了一下。 Post Views: 863
我一直有一个希望,就是能够做一份中国的定制地图,每个城市都有至少一家店,让对衣服有追求的人在本地就可以有合适的服务。不同地域的整体实力有高低,比如上海店铺的密集程度,北京高端店铺的实力,都可能比其他城市遴选出来的选手高出几个水平,但我一直认为定制是一个当地的生意,是需要店家和客人的磨合。当然,假如我就喜欢某一个店的版型,而它在其他城市,这个另当别论。 Post Views: 774