
我的第一双缝制皮鞋,是Berluti,很坦白地说,当时只觉得这个牌子好贵,然后又小众,虚荣地购买了。肯定有人觉得,都小众了,别人都不认识,你这虚荣的个毛线啊。但我就觉得那些人人都知道的品牌很俗啊,不小众,哪来的逼格?当时不懂得工艺的,对于款式,也没什么击中不击中,完全就是图牌子。 Post Views: 508


提到Meermin,大家第一个印象会是什么?价格杀手?虽然没有错,但我觉得这样说,也有点低估这个品牌了。通过逐年对它的关注,我认为它现在的核心竞争力,反而在皮革上。Meermin在皮革可选丰富性上,绝对是中上水准,而在它这个价位,就更加没有对手了。 Post Views: 621

My Shoe Collection, 10995 from Magnanni

Which Spanish shoe brand has the biggest market share globally? The answer is not Carmina or Meermin, but Magnanni. Magnanni never intents to plow in niche market and defines itself a fashion house. It sells in many grand department stores around the world. Although it is a fashion brand, it differentiates itself with quality. Lasts

Unboxing Thomas from SLIMSHOES/Yearn Shoemaker

SLIMSHOES is the domestic brand of Yearn Shoemaker which is more well known globally. Unlike most shoemakers in this niche market, SLIMSHOES opened mono-brand boutique since the beginning. Two shops locate in premium department stores. This is my first pair of SLIMSHOES/Yearn Shoemaker, let us have a look. Post Views: 2,993