这是2021制鞋大赛参赛选手专访的第八篇。 开始学习制鞋不久的选手,对于这样的年轻人和这个传统手工艺行业的新鲜血液,我们欣喜而支持。 小伙子跟我说,希望父亲看到这篇文章,会为自己骄傲,也认同自己做出的职业选择。 这绝不是一份光鲜的工作,但在目前的工业化社会里,它是与人贴近的艺术。 Post Views: 2,138
中国的缝制鞋行业,在近两年来,有着爆发性的成长。缝制鞋,当然也包括了工装靴,这个板块在国内,比正装皮鞋要发展的早,工装品牌大家热烈讨论的也很多,当然口碑也是一言难尽。 正装皮鞋比较好,体现在水准上来了,产品已经完全可以对标国外品牌,并且性价比上更有竞争力。 Post Views: 2,128
This name may not trigger sparks in your heads, however, another name, his brand name certainly screams if you are an avid shoe lover, HephaestuS. Post Views: 4,133
If you can only count two dress shoe bloggers in the world, there is no argument about the names in anyone’s opinion, Justin FitzPatrick and Jesper Ingevaldsson. Post Views: 1,932
在中国传统服饰中,裤子的地位,不能说是低下的,准确的说法,应该是没有地位的。 并不是这个元素出现的很晚,事实上,很早就存在了,但是儒家永远地效仿先贤,所以总是把服装往上衣下裳上靠,使得裤子永远也抬不起头来。 Post Views: 3,012
If I ask you to tell which country this brand comes from, what is the answer? The founder is Javier Navalón, I think that is a great hint, the answer is Spain. The region is La Mancha which is not as famous as Almansa or Mallorca. Javier claims his family worked in shoe industry since
A brand without any introduction, no idea about its country, only made in Spain. Price at 500 USD, patina, fiddleback outsole and Goodyear construction. I am always cautious even suspicious about this kind of brand, and do not believe they will survive long. Post Views: 1,274
This bespoke shoemaker is very new, even strange to many shoe aficionados. He comes from Singapore and runs a leather goods store now. The name of his shop/brand is Fumu. To be very honest, that is all I know about him, so we just let him to tell us more. Post Views: 3,091