The Man Who Makes Shoe for The Pope, Adriano Stefanelli

Adriano Stefanelli has been making handmade shoes for the most important men in the world in Corso Cavour workshop in downtown Novara since 1954. His clients include Silvio Berlusconi and Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa. The most talked about is the pair of red shoes he made for Pope Benedict XVI. Post Views: 2,179

我的鞋之Dunhill Litsoon

在我眼里,英国还剩的两个有国际官方知名度的奢侈品(姑且用这个称呼)品牌就是登喜路和巴宝莉了。两个相比起来,可能巴宝莉的名气还要更想一些,想起英伦风,也排位更靠前一点。 登喜路的打火机,烟斗,到目前都还是相当受追捧的物件,只是只在较小的圈子里进行。而服装领域,登喜路比巴宝莉更贴近整体奢侈品行业,那就是大量意大利生产。 Post Views: 56