Most shoemakers have the information about the shoe on the lining, from size, to style name or number, to last and production date. But except size, model name and last, other information is impossible for consumers to interpret. Even if the model has a name, many of them are not written and only a code
Tag: Alden
Johnny Works is a Chinese shoemaker used to make work boots, and in last two years entered dress shoes field. Unlike many shoemakers which only focus manufacturing new shoes, Johnny Works provides extensive maintenance service, and got a nickname, “Value Plate King” because of its wonderful price for toe plate installment. Post Views: 2,347
I was very into shell cordovan long time ago as if Goodyear shoes can accompany you for a long time, shell cordovan shoes can last your entire life if not your descendant’s’. After I owned several pairs, shell cordovan lost its glamour. It is not because the durability disappeared, but I don’t care durability that
Not only one people talked that if you want to buy a pair of shell cordovan, the leather must be from Horween, and the shoes Alden. Non-Alden is no shell shoes. Luckily, I own one pair of Alden Shell Cordovan Short Wing Blucher, serial number 2076. I am certainly curious to know then what are
Ralph Lauren (不)合理价位:1250美元(紫标) Ralph Lauren的鞋子都是代工的,这个它们自己也毫不掩饰。 Polo线在2000年左右的时候,是Crockett & Jones代工的,然而到了2005年,就不是了,变成了意大利的Sesto Meucci。 Post Views: 4,039
A most well known and respected American shoe brand founded in 1884. Maybe not the best one in the history, but doubtlessly the best nowadays. When speaking about shell cordovan shoes, Alden is the king with no competitor at all. Post Views: 2,559
我始终记得一句话,“只手让美国还在高端皮鞋界占有一席之地”,说的就是Alden,它的靴子的一些经典款式,Tanker,我不知道说的对不对啊,还有流苏乐福的发明者,然后是霍文一辈子的好基友,这些,都让Alden在皮鞋界,是个绕不过去的品牌。 Post Views: 3,830