英国定制鞋匠Jason Amesbury小传

这个名字我在PermanentStyle和PutThisOn这两个博客上读到过,但从来没有专门的采访文章。最近,对定制鞋匠William Ede-Laborde的专访中,William说Jason Amesbury是他最尊重的鞋匠,而他在今年刚刚离世。我也没有机会对这位伟大的鞋匠进行专访了,所以在网络上搜集了所有我能搜集到的信息,和大家分享。 Post Views: 133

An Interview with William Efe-Laborde

William Efe-Laborde is an independent French bespoke shoemaker living in London. Even France has a very strong culture and community for bespoke crafts, William found this passion in England. We can regard him as self-taught because he doesn’t have any official job or apprentice in those prestigious houses, and this speaks a lot about his

An Interview with JIANG Daoyuan, Founder of Badia

I’m afraid that many people are not familiar with this name, but his experience in shoemaking, among domestic shoemakers, is very orthodox and academic. As a Stefano Bemer studio trainee, after returning to China, JIANG Daoyuan became a bespoke shoemaker and later, created his own shoe brand Badia. As curious as everyone is about this

Unboxing MTO Oxford from Japanese Shoemaker Siroeno Yosui

Siroeno Yosui is a bespoke shoemaker from Japan but it is not a real shoemaker, I mean it is not a person, but a team. The team is made up of two people. There are two significant things about Siroeno Yosui, one is their YouTube channel, which captures the complete handcrafted process of how a

An Interview with German Bespoke Shoemaker Louis Lampertsdörfer, Founder of Mogada

Mogada is a Munich based Germany bespoke shoemaker, I came across its astonishing shoes on Instagram. I didn’t know much about it such as the people behind, the history or its reputation domestically. I shamelessly asked to have an interview to know more, and was warmly welcomed by the founder, Louis Lampertsdörfer. I surprisingly found

传奇而低调的法国鞋匠,Stephane Jimenez

法国在时尚领域,可以说永远地站在顶端,脚踩意大利,屁股坐英国,定制鞋,同样拥有者全世界最高的价格,那些价格已经让人乍舌的百年历史的英国鞋店也得俯首称臣。 大部分鞋匠都选择在大品牌里面工作,比如Dimitri Gomez就在Crockett & Jones的巴黎店里任职,提供独一味二的Crockett & Jones bespoke业务。 Post Views: 776