化料,化工原料,是一个很宽泛的概念,同时也是制鞋业内才知道会使用的产品。 作为fp x Weritas的两个核心理念之一,可持续发展,首先就需要信息透明,只有把一切都公开接受检验,才能够得到更多的反馈,从而改进。 这样的行为,也可以让行业整体都在这方便进步起来。因为有责任感的消费者和爱好者,会推动其他品牌也变得更透明。 这是fp x Weritas在鞋面和鞋底上使用的化料,然后我们只使用了一个品牌,就是来自意大利的Kenda Farben。 Post Views: 164
Tag: Shoemaking
If Spanish shoemaking capital is Almansa, then Italy calls Marche. Post Views: 2,320
Stiffener is used to keep the shape of toe and heel of dress shoes. This thing can be divided into three grades. Post Views: 2,458
Yohei Fukuda is probably the most prestigious bespoke shoemaker in the world. I think the main reasons are three aspects, one is the delicacy of the Japanese, the other is the media, and the last is the price. The three are not completely isolated. Post Views: 3,637
这是我在淘宝鞋店里被问到的问题。 虽然皮鞋生意有了团队和不同的分工,但是客服,我一直不愿意交给别人做。因为我特别喜欢和同好交流的感觉,可以增加视野。同时在销售的一线,也比较能获得一手信息。 这是一个技术问题,虽然我不是做鞋的,但在不同的工坊和工厂,也看过很多次制作流程了,还是了解那些工序会用到胶水的。 Post Views: 583
Many thanks to Chinese shoemaker Mattina for this knowledge and example. There are a few of them, I can’t tell the difference from the consumer’s point of view, but in fact, the production is different, so let’s unfold for the interested fans. Words in italic is my comment Post Views: 3,239
Master Zou Zhiguang has a custom shoe store in Shenzhen for some years and he also has been in this industry for a long time. The seventh place in this shoe competition, Zhao Zhun, is his apprentice. I have learned about his business status, the price is high, and he serves some local well-off customers
Mr. Jin comes from Jiangxing, Zhejiang Province, China, he is the contestant of 2021 China Shoemaking Championship. Let us have a read of his story and journey in this trade. Post Views: 2,356
我是一个男装博主,一些男生会问我给女生买什么鞋子合适,一些女生会问我懂不懂女鞋,我都一句话,不懂,不想懂。 然后有一位看我写皮具护理的女读者有次在群里爆发了惊人的制鞋知识储备,让我大吃一惊。后来才知道,原来她是一个很厉害的女鞋品牌,芭蕾先生Mister Balletto,的主理人! 我仍然对女鞋没有兴趣,但是我在想,男鞋是不是可以从女鞋那边,借鉴一些东西呢?于是和她有了一点小讨论。 Post Views: 1,897
王振成本来是参加第一届制鞋大赛的选手,但是他放弃比赛,一定要拿出一只挑战顶级难度的鞋子给国外的大咖评委看看。 Post Views: 1,903