Introducing new technical details of handmade shoes

We have seen, or described, three details on Maftei shoes, namely wood pegging construction, seamless wholecut and seamless heel. Seamless wholecut has certainly seamless heel, but all his models have seamless heel. A seamless heel can create a cleaner and more refined finish, and its difficulty lies on lasting. I will Introduce the other two


穷玩车,富玩表,尚年幼时,就知道这句话,所以以我的经济实力,从来不敢考虑这玩意。 穿西装以后,觉得手表也是个相对应的配件,在精致这个元素上,可以加分,于是想看看有没有便宜的。 偶然接触到古董表,突然发现,它们似乎比现代的运动为王,40mm都是起步价的大表盘,更适合。 芝柏的古董表流通特别多,价格又平,于是选择了这一只。 Post Views: 821