My Shoe Collection – Cole Haan Made by Crockett & Jones

There is a fairy tale in dress shoe community. Once upon a time, there was an American brand called Cole Haan. It is the current running brand Cole Haan however it is not in fact. It entrusted factory in the UK to make its shoes and focused on sales domestically. It sounds nothing special with


做全定制西服和皮鞋的匠人,是穿着西服,打着领带在给你做吗? 武汉,胭脂路,我妈妈跟我说,在她印象里,这是80年代在武汉兴起的做衣服的一条街。并不局限西服,甚至更准确,女装才是主力。 今天的主角,店铺就在这条街上。拾艺。 Post Views: 1,035