哎,这不是一个经典男装博客吗?或者很多人认为的皮鞋博客吗?这个题目,从何说起? 的确是没有那么相干,但是也不是完全不相干,或者说经济学的问题,就是和生活最相关的。 Post Views: 442
Category: Dress Shoes
A shoe shop established in 1919, Northampton, the center of English Ready to Wear shoes, the business model is more like today’s Herring. Post Views: 2,193
这双鞋是Carlos Santos为付沛鞋店推出的特别款式,和那双蝴蝶乐福New一样。 这双鞋玩家属性极强,鞋面设计是大众最容易看到的点,但也是经典男装里比较难把握度的地方,尤其是往独特性方向走时。 一起看看这双做的如何。 Post Views: 1,080
注:曾经有请Mattina分享过一篇鞋面缝线种类的知识小品纹,这次,我邀请了Oct Tenth手工鞋的厂长,给大家从行内人的角度,来介绍一下反绒皮。 每当让我介绍皮料的时候,总会有一种管中窥豹的不自信感,因为皮料实在是太多了,而且同样的皮厂、皮料款式都相同的情况下,也会出现不同国家、不同代理商拿到的皮料完全不一样的情况。所以我只能以我用的比较多的,以及我喜欢的皮料来做一个主观的分享。 Post Views: 1,219
William Efe-Laborde is an independent French bespoke shoemaker living in London. Even France has a very strong culture and community for bespoke crafts, William found this passion in England. We can regard him as self-taught because he doesn’t have any official job or apprentice in those prestigious houses, and this speaks a lot about his
连连看,也称比较学,是我从历史学科中学来的方式。当然,各行各业,有个更朴实的名字,Benchmark。 前面已经做过很多,皮革折痕水准连连看,后跟接缝连连看,沿条处理连连看,今天,我们看一个配件,鞋袋。 市面上的皮鞋品牌没有几千,也有大几百,肯定不可能全部攘括,这篇文,就当个抛砖引玉吧。 这种比较学的利益是什么呢?非常简单,单一看一个鞋袋的时候,你不会有太强烈的感觉,哪个好哪个坏,但是放在一起,立刻就明显了。同时,好的质感和体验,未必需要更高的成本,这是不是就成为优势了呢? 话不多说,一起看看。 Post Views: 1,108
因为我的工作出差特别多,而我又是一个非常轻装上阵的人,所以经常一周甚至两周,就穿同一双鞋。 我知道这样对鞋不健康,容易老旧得快,但是现实比人强,一个苦逼搬砖人,也没办法那么讲究了。 这双完美之鞋就是今年才出来的Carlos Santos的新款,New。New是鞋款名称,不是新的意思哦。 那为什么我觉得它完美呢? 一起来看看。 Post Views: 640
Come from the shoemaking center of Italy, Marche, Silvano Sassetti was established in 1977. How did I come to know this brand? It is because I wondered who makes for Ralph Lauren, as which are all made in Italy. The answer is Silvano Sassetti. Beyond that, Silvano Sassetti even produces private label for Chinese brands,
Perhaps southerners and northerners will have diametrically opposed answers to this question. For northerners, who wears Loafers in winter must be a warrior. But for southerners, isn’t Loafer still a pair of dress shoes? As long as I don’t wear it barefoot, is there an essential difference between wearing Loafers in winter and wearing Oxford?
This is the style specified by ENP, I believe in his vision, of course, more importantly, believe in his collocation. Let’s take a look at the taste of this double collaboration. Post Views: 1,096