高野圭太郎和Thom Wills的联名

申明:非软文,未收受任何形式的好处。 这其实是个款式知多少的系列文章之一,但是有不少的背景知识可以给大家说一下。 首先,Thom Wills我谈论得极少,可能到目前为止,就只有一篇总结它皮鞋款式的文章。当时给我的感觉是,鞋子设计是相对正统保守的,但是款式太多,求多不求精。工艺不差,最起码看起来是不差的,价格自然是这个品牌成为中国缝制鞋当之无愧的霸主的杀手锏,不再赘诉。最后呢,基本也算是半只脚从经典男鞋/男装领域跨入了时尚领域,比如一些明星的代言(这个代言可能要打个引号),更加是脱离了我覆盖的领域。 Post Views: 2,789

An Interview with American Bespoke Shoemaker Francis Waplinger

Francis Waplinger is a rising bespoke shoemaker based in New York city, his shoes have very strong personal signature and quite opposite to the American mainstream dress shoes, much more elegant and artful. It is always good to know there are young generations love and practice in this craft. Let us get into his story.

An Interview with Japanese Bespoke Shoemaker Masachika Morita

Masachika Morita is a Japanese bespoke shoemaker who studied and lived in Italy for a long time. He apprenticed under the guide of master Roberto Ugolini and became a assistant of shoemaking in Accademia Riaci where he taught Emi Liao. With great education and apprentice in bespoke shoemaking, his story deserves more attention and maybe


很多读者都是买国外的鞋子入这个坑的,然后大部分都知道,除了半码这个领先于中国品牌外,还有就是同楦型还有不同的宽度。 我在这篇文章里总结了一下目前国际上纷繁复杂的宽度命名方式。大部分品牌,还是3个宽度,相对新的品牌,宽度更少。J.M.Weston是欧洲宽度最多的品牌,但到了美国的Allen Edmonds面前,还是小弟弟,不够看,Allen Edmonds有10个宽度! 不同的宽度,对应人的脚感是什么呢?对于绝大部分人来说,就是小脚趾挤不挤。 Post Views: 3,043