As many people know, Mattina finally opened its own brand store in Shanghai. After hosting 2023 China Trunk Show I braved the pouring rain, dragged my suitcase, and rushed over to check in. Post Views: 776
Category: Classic Menswear
As a brand, Badia is becoming more and more mature. The brand that used to be supported by JIANG Daoyuan alone now has a team. I am very happy to see that no matter it is in terms of products, positioning, or business mode, they have gone their own way. Post Views: 598
I just summarized Badia’s collection of styles a few days ago, which surprised me. Because Badia has always been a Goodyear brand in my impression, why was it that most of them were Blake construction? With this question, I consulted JIANG Daoyuan, it turned out that Badia is working on product layout, and shoes in
Gulun’s popularity among dress shoe lovers is not low at all, but it seems that the degree of discussion is not high. I suspect it’s because it’s too affordable. Once in the price range of 900 to 1100 RMB, handwelted with handstitched outsole, even if the upper design imitates the classic style of other brands,
Suede is a very popular leather, whether it is for clothes, shoes, or leather goods, compared to smooth leather, suede is more gentle, softer, and brings a sense of luxury at first sight. But there is one thing that the suede cannot beat the smooth leather at all, that is, aging. Post Views: 723
When it comes to the Portuguese brand Carlos Santos, people who know welted shoes use one word to describe it, it is patina. Post Views: 988
Carmina was the first Spanish brand I came across. It was also the first Spanish dress shoe brand emerging in the classic menswear revival movement. It can be said that the emergence of so many Spanish brands today is due to the shadow of Carmina. I also introduced the Albaladejo Pujas family, the imperial presence
Lancer不会错? Lancer的衣服是很好,但如果不是你喜欢的风格,那不就错了吗? Lancer的衣服是很飘逸,版型不错的,但如果做工一般,卖个样子,这个价格,不就错了吗? 可是这些问题,都没有说到点上。 你怎么定义定制店的? Post Views: 1,105
实话实说,这次活动的举办,让我压力特别大,比第一次大多了。我总以为,一回生二回熟,没想到是一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,哈哈哈。 但是不管怎么说,这次定制店的强悍阵容,包括生活方式品牌的逼格,这次的展比上次只会更好,更精彩。 主要还是我心态的问题,能够调整好,自己作为爱好者玩得开心,才是重点。 我想实现的事情并不多,但我觉得都是对中国水准走向世界的帮助。 Post Views: 736
不知道多少人听过铁履这个品牌,Iron Boots,在工装靴界来说,算是品质和定价都很高的存在,同时日本,美国,都有代理商在做。品牌创始人,佩佳,大导演,经常吹牛,说中国顶尖定制鞋匠陈华的大圆头审美,都是跟他混混出来的。手上开发了几百个楦,但我就是不用,就是玩!皮料,国内最好的,都在他仓库了,外面能拿到的万哈梅尔,都是他捡剩的。 今天,我就把他的黑历史翻出来,让他输的底裤都不剩。 Post Views: 1,500