Model Archive – Fratelli Giacometti

Founded in 1959, and the current owner are the third generation of the family, Giacometti brothers. If you recognize or are familiar with shoe brands in Japan, Fratelli Giacometti is also well received as classic line. While Walles Club focuses on exotic leathers and Marmolada from the same company makes sporting boots. Post Views: 1,525


正义博士人如其名,是个正儿八经的博士研究生,为人也十分正义。他有另一个称呼,沪半城,这个就非常牛了,因为在上海的绅装圈,如果说没有听过正义博士,那只有一个可能,你没有生活在上海。 排开这些玩笑话,郑奕是一位非常开朗热心,待人温和有礼的人,这才是本质。 正义博士在B站上有许多原创内容,相当有辨识度,同时还是绅装骑行的发起人,也是每年上海深秋一抹靓丽的色彩。 非常有幸对他进行了专访。 Post Views: 1,752