这个标题起得相当惊悚,我想聊的,其实是美国人在经典男装这个领域里的贡献。当然,这个范围已经时间跨度太大,我并不是做考据,或者综述,仅仅聊聊我的感想。 Post Views: 1,502
Category: Classic Menswear
Shoes of Stefan is a quite new shoe shop in Norway, and Stefan’s background is so much alike mine, an Engineer who loves shoes unstoppably, and finally opened his own shoe shop bending to the calling. Although the shop is new, the brands it carries are not unfamiliar to most shoe aficionados, Edward Green, Alden
Where are French shoes ranked in Europe? It is a tough question. why? Because most French brands are very happy to run business domestically, even J.M.Weston is doing very well in Japan, you cannot see it popular in other countries except France and Japan. Sure there are exceptions, such as Berluti was acquired by LVMH
聊到补丁这个词,大多数人会想到的就是衣服上的。在西服上,哪里最容易见到补丁呢?虽然任何地方都有可能挂到,钩破,但是磨损型的,大概率就是胳膊肘了。所以一些老派的花呢会故意在这里加上皮补丁。 Post Views: 2,500
首先解释什么叫做GMTO,Group Made To Order。 MTO,Made To Order,绝大多数皮鞋品牌,都提供这样的服务,比如John Lobb叫做by request,其他家基本都是用MTO这个名字。一般来说呢,都是加钱!加钱!加钱!因为非大批量生产,增加生产复杂性,所以加钱,合情合理。 为什么要MTO呢?因为现售的款式没有喜欢的,或者不够特别,或者细节不是你想要的。 Post Views: 2,022
这是一双非常非常神秘的皮鞋!看品牌名字,像不像什么中东的?但是答案是中国产的!但至于说品牌,我在网上找了好久好久的信息,也没找到什么,只似乎有印象,台湾订单,但也做不得准,因为搜索台湾的信息,也没找到这个名字相关的。 Post Views: 1,675
Badia is another great Chinese shoe brand coming after Mattina. Why don’t I pick SLIMSHOES/Yearn Shoemaker or TGC/Oct Tenth? Did they come earlier? They did, but my verdict is because SLIMSHOE and TGC focus more on MTO mode, the colletion is too big and sole finishes are changing unstopping. This may be good for shoe
Speaking about Norwegese stitches, shoe aficionados may think of Paolo Scafora, however for broader audiences, Paraboot is the king. Post Views: 1,549
I have many pairs of John Lobb shoes, it seems that everything has been talked about, even the model is different, that is just for one or two sentences. But the change is on me, when I have seen more shoes from more makers, more eras, I always spot new points on old things. Let
申明:非软文,未收受任何形式的好处。 这其实是个款式知多少的系列文章之一,但是有不少的背景知识可以给大家说一下。 首先,Thom Wills我谈论得极少,可能到目前为止,就只有一篇总结它皮鞋款式的文章。当时给我的感觉是,鞋子设计是相对正统保守的,但是款式太多,求多不求精。工艺不差,最起码看起来是不差的,价格自然是这个品牌成为中国缝制鞋当之无愧的霸主的杀手锏,不再赘诉。最后呢,基本也算是半只脚从经典男鞋/男装领域跨入了时尚领域,比如一些明星的代言(这个代言可能要打个引号),更加是脱离了我覆盖的领域。 Post Views: 2,805