我一直有个观点,制造商,或者说商家,和消费者,绝对不是对立面,而是互相满足的合作关系。我不明白西方传来的顾客是上帝观念是怎么形成的,也许商家就应该狗咬狗?也许生意人天生低等一些,士农工商? 为什么有此感想呢?因为我在看Cie鞋子的时候,有个看法,和黄总交流后,才发现我想的产品不精致或者说工不到位,是刻意为之,而理由,又是我因为视野局限,想不到的。 Post Views: 809
Cie was talked several times by me, it is the real pioneer of dress shoes with Blake and Goodyear constructions in China. However, it never targeted shoe enthusiasts. I think this is a good question why with same construction, some brands are loved by seasoned consumers while others not. Is it because of price? Certainly
I love Edward Green very much for two reasons. One is the last is maybe the most conservative in today’s market, and the round toes are my favorite. The other is focus. In my summary of focus ranke of dress shoe brands, most brands offer belt, bags even sneakers. After so many years operation, only
Unlined loafer is very popular in recent years for its advocated comfort, and Portuguese shoemaker Carlos Santos devised a model with tender colour combination to further improve your feet’s joy in summer, which is this model David. Let us have a look. Post Views: 1,751
In fact Corno Blu is a bespoke shoe brand, and the founder is bespoke shoemaker Seigaku Yutaka (青角丰), he studied shoemaking under Italian master Roberto Ugolini and went back to Japan in 2004 and built Corno Blu. Post Views: 3,062
I don’t mean I don’t know how Derby shoes look like or how to pair it, but how deep Americans love Derby shoes. I cannot find concrete information about this topic, and we can have a discussion. My principle point of view is Derby shoes are casual and informal. Post Views: 1,779
Clarks is very famous as a middle range casual dress shoe brand alongside with ECCO and Rockport. Not so many know Clarks is an English brand with great heritage. Especially its Desert Boot is the real classic and original one. Founded in 1825, arguably one of the oldest shoemaker in UK. For its 190 year
If we talk about shoe brand which is very keen of exotic leather, which one comes into your mind first? To me, it is the French top luxury brand Zilli which not only make exotic leather shoes, but leather jacket and overcoat. Check this one. Post Views: 1,583
After the news was released, many friends were interested and eagerly asked me what my shoes looked like. I repeat, it must be chubby to the extreme. With this precaution, we can look at the shoes. Post Views: 1,073
Salvatore Ferragamo plays in high street fashion field and shoes are its most iconic products. Most shoe enthusiasts won’t be very interested in Ferragamo shoes as the construction is mostly glued and price is high for its perceived prestige. However, there is one collection among its offerings is so sought after even by the most