Brief History of Dean Girling

Any shoe enthusiast would recognize the name, as the brand bears his name inside, Gaziano & Girling. The two talented industry veterans founded the brand, Tony Gaziano takes care of design as well as promotion, Dean Girling covers the backstage, which is making and quality control. What is his journey in shoemaking? Post Views: 3,051

My Shoe Collection – A Derby from a.testoni Studium Line

a.testoni is not a player in niche market anymore and opens a lot of mono-brand boutiques around the world. I believe its current customer base does not care about different collections/lines from it, but we, shoe enthusiasts do. Ironically, even we do, most have no idea how many collections a.testoni offers and what they are.

Are Saint Crispin’s Shoes Handmade?

Austrian shoemaker Saint Crispin’s is very sought after among shoe enthusiasts. Except its unique aesthetics, its high handwork percentage is also an important aspect. According to its promotion most people would think Saint Crispin’s are 95% handmade, which means all steps are taken by hand except upper stitching done by sewing machine. But is it

Carlos Santos独特乐福Spade开箱

Carlos Santos有一款乐福,Elliot,是它全球卖得最好的乐福,我店里也有三个皮革及颜色选择。Elliot在我眼里,第一眼很难和其他家的区分开来,虽然它的围裙区域使用的是John Lobb Lopez的缝制方式,便士开孔又拿来的J.M.Weston 180的形状然后再变得狭长一点,但始终太过普通。普通,也许就是它卖得最好的原因。 Post Views: 645