Elliot, style number 9176 is the best seller of Carlos Santos globally, and Coimbra patina is best seller in this best seller in China. Let us have a look at its charm. Post Views: 2,305
Category: Dress Shoes
I think I’m a top black three-joint Oxford player, because it used to be my favourite style. Today, it’s still, but it’s unlikely to become my favourite style, because it makes me suit every day, tie, and be serious. I will feel a little out of place with the surroundings. Although, that’s why I’m into
在全定制鞋领域,顶级客人圈子里,流传一个神圣铁三角,这个铁三角被认为是鞋子做得最好,穿着也最舒适的,他们是,John Lobb,Tuzcek和Gatto。 也许前面两个你都听过,但最后一个,听过的人有多少呢? Post Views: 509
这是工装靴大神级玩家Gavin在把玩了Maftei以后对我问的问题。 这里的定制,是和成鞋相对,不是强调适合某个人的脚,而是高级的意思。 我仔细思考了一下,答案居然是,因为比较少见。当然,这个答案不够完整,我认为少见占了70%,细节完成度占了30%。 Post Views: 551
鞋楦是皮鞋的灵魂,也是皮鞋品牌真正的区分点。相比于鞋款,也就是鞋面设计的容易抄袭,鞋楦的这些单纯的线条美感,要难以拷贝得多。比如Corthay的Pullman楦型,大家都觉得好,但是做到模仿十成十的,一家也没有。 Post Views: 1,166
大约3年前,介绍了平价铁王,就是市面上最实惠的,鞋头打铁服务,强尼制靴。 当时市场上很多价格都要接近300,但是他家100,活动价只要80,的确是便宜大碗,我也使用了好几次他家的服务。 然后就没怎么关注了,最近在群里听说,现在价格也超过200,说打铁都打不起了,我悄咪咪没作声,因为新生代的平价铁王就在他们身边,他们不知道而已。 那个铁王就是我,付沛。 Post Views: 514
Although the current brand says Florence, the company was actually established in a small town in Tuscany. It has always been the main producing area of Italian cowhide. Post Views: 2,051
This is a pair of NOS, New Old Stock, although New, but staying in the inventory for a while. After buying, I wish I could slap myself in the face with shoes that I couldn’t possibly wear. Marketing can be very vicious sometimes, a few points touch you and make you spend money that shouldn’t
我今天看到一双鞋子,虎躯一震,怎么和Carlos Santos的Elliot一模一样!撞衫的感觉可是非常差劲的! Elliot是Carlos Santos在中国,和在全世界都卖得最好的核心款式。我认为它卖得好,主要归功于两点,第一个是362楦型,法式Ivy,既休闲又不会像美式Ivy那么圆短。 Post Views: 513
这个6折,不是清仓,不是断码,不是样品鞋,是点菜!是你想要的款式! Post Views: 482