这个只是和大家聊聊天,说说我自己的一些思考,然后听听大家的意见。 Post Views: 2,918
Category: Dress Shoes
As I promised, I will try my best to bring the great German bespoke shoemakers into the view of shoe aficionados. Vickermann & Stoya may be are the top ones coming to mind. I know most people outside of Germany may be not familiar with them, so, let us looking into their journey and offering.
我们总得搞点有趣的事情对吧,很简单,一双鞋,不露logo,只给细节,猜品牌,来吧。 不做任何解读,以免有引导性。 Post Views: 1,861
As this pair has been unboxed and recorded here, so in this article, I only talk about the fit and leather quality. Post Views: 2,158
唐佬是群里的活跃分子了,每天都看到他“冲了”,“上脚照”,令人艳羡无比。同时他的衬衣数量,也是遥遥领先,非常开心他愿意给大家分享一下自己的经验。 这是纯消费者专访的一期。 Post Views: 1,985
Founded in 1959, and the current owner are the third generation of the family, Giacometti brothers. If you recognize or are familiar with shoe brands in Japan, Fratelli Giacometti is also well received as classic line. While Walles Club focuses on exotic leathers and Marmolada from the same company makes sporting boots. Post Views: 1,506
Nowadays, people regards shoes as the normal and call cordwainers shoemakers, but when we look at John Lobb’s full name, and into the history, Bootmaker is the truly heritage. Post Views: 2,396
又是一双超级小众的美国Vintage鞋,比不少玩家喜欢谈论的Florsheim,Hanover什么的,都要少见的多。 同样,目前还没有时间去好好了解这个品牌的成长巅峰与衰败。 Post Views: 2,205
Most people know Bowen this French brand maybe from another name, the famous English shoemaker Alfred Sargent. Bowen only focuses the local market and almost occupied more than 90% production capacity of Alfred Sargent. Very few French shoe brands use English shoemaker. But the forever push on cost, Alfred Sargent went out of business. Now,