If you haven’t heard Patrick Frei this name, I bet you are not a qualified shoe aficionado, to say the least. As the champion of 2018 World Shoemaking Championship, Patrick Frei is one of the top level bespoke shoemakers in the world with everyone’s consent. His shoes are elegent yet aggressive, artful and inspiring, meticulous
Category: Dress Shoes
我是个喜欢实践的人,自己趟过的雷,写出来,让后人避坑。 这是为了好玩和探索求知,真的很心仪的鞋子要改色,还是会找专业的。 Post Views: 1,525
我们听到了很多说法,比如欧洲人的脚比较窄,比如亚洲人脚背比较高,但实际上,我也不知道多少人观察过欧洲人的脚,或者除了自己以外别人的脚。 Post Views: 4,496
Not only one people talked that if you want to buy a pair of shell cordovan, the leather must be from Horween, and the shoes Alden. Non-Alden is no shell shoes. Luckily, I own one pair of Alden Shell Cordovan Short Wing Blucher, serial number 2076. I am certainly curious to know then what are
当今的皮鞋市场,面对爱好者的品牌着力点上,我觉得有三个方向。 第一个是设计,花哨新颖但又不逾矩的设计。 J.FitzPatrick Genesee 第二个是擦色,这是个参与人数众多的方式,上到Berluti,Corthay,下到200-300块钱的,都干这个。 可以说是近年来皮鞋的主力拉新点。但在我眼里,大多数都干得一坨。 第三个是皮革,大量有噱头,或者曾经只是极小众能够玩到的皮革,进入到了大家都可以买到的品牌上面。 Post Views: 2,623
I mentioned this brand several time and it now belongs to New & Lingwood. New & Lingwood is a high end menswear shop in UK, and its most iconic products are Dressing Gown and bespoke shoes. It later released Ready to Wear shoes, but no matter it is bespoke or RTW, they are both in
As many people know, I am an extremely boring person, and the favorite shoe is the black cap toe Oxford. If it weren’t for rotation and wearing all the shoes I have, I could wear black cap toe Oxford every day. Today, someone mentioned that you can’t wear black cap toe Oxford every day in
Tannery Martin is a ten generation family business in Germany which only produces Oak Bark Tanned Leather, and the final product is familiar to every shoe aficionados, the leather sole. Post Views: 1,819
Yearn Shoemaker is more known in China with the name SLIMSHOES. Post Views: 1,563
Winson shoemaker is the top talent from Indonesia, considered one of the best shoemakers in Southeast Asia, I am very glad to have the oppotunity to talk with the man behind, the real Winson, Emil Rahmana Putra. Post Views: 2,843