Wiracetas is a Shanghai based dress shoe brand that I only came into contact with last year. It operates a physical store for several years in Shanghai already, and the founder Qiu Wuping is a super veteran of the industry. More than ten years ago, in the era when it was easiest to make money
Category: Classic Menswear
这是我在看我一双John Lobb的鞋的时候,突然想到的一个问题。那个问题是,真的可以做到不隔断线吗? 我知道这句话和很多人原本的想法是相冲突的。鞋头装铁片,如果割断了线,那就是功夫不到家,甚至我要找服务商索赔了。 但是我这个观点,是针对John Lobb的鞋子的,或者针对这么一个特征。 Post Views: 1,025
嗯?我办的China Trunk Show,难道不是鞋展吗? 是没错,可是为了更多的流量,我这次强势邀请定制店点评榜上的店家,在上海举办另一个层面上的联合Trunk Show! Post Views: 934
Justin FitzPatrick, the founder and designer is very proud of this model, which is a combination of city boots elements such as dressy lasts and sleek sole with mountain boots. The concept is a mix of elegance and roughness. J.FitzPatrick is really good at put two extreme ends together, such as the old money butterfly
I have mentioned this gentleman many times, and Justin FitzPatrick said that he got a lot of guidance from him. Septieme Largeur can be considered his “grandson”, although Mathieu Preiss, his nephew is the real founder. Why is he so prominent? Using a popular saying, he is a Serial Entrepreneur, created a lot of brands,
A bespoke shoemaker base in Kyoto, Japan, experienced as outwork for many English shoemakers and also Japanese. His shoes are very classic reflecting his study in England. Strong and contrast lines spark his own aesthetics and flavor. Let us look into his story. Post Views: 7,310
We have seen, or described, three details on Maftei shoes, namely wood pegging construction, seamless wholecut and seamless heel. Seamless wholecut has certainly seamless heel, but all his models have seamless heel. A seamless heel can create a cleaner and more refined finish, and its difficulty lies on lasting. I will Introduce the other two
I say insole, everyone knows what it is, if I say heel pad, probably many people are confused, what is it? Basically, your shoes (if they are high-end sewn shoes) must have them, but we basically don’t mention it. Post Views: 2,410
Carmina is the first Spanish shoe factory to challenge British shoe brands, although before it, there were brands like Yanko, which once dominated Spain. After the renaissance of classic men’s clothing, most audiences and online discussions to the Spanish shoemaker is Carmina. Post Views: 1,158
最近再翻译个人博客上的文章,全部转成英文的,因为中文的内容,知乎上都有了,然后翻译到了Twinkima.G这个品牌,也就是北町。 Post Views: 966