An Interview with William Wong, Founder of Arterton

Arterton is a UK brand focusing on Garment bag and dismantlable umbrella, both are not so much discussed even in the most enthusiastic communities. When every classic menswear connoisseur agrees that the devil is in the details, these pieces definitely should not be left behind. And we thank William, the founder to fill the


国内绅装有两位主理人,人称二王,麒麟王和饺子王。为什么会有昵称呢?因为他们是国内绅装的领军人物,Tastemaker。说出这两位的名字, 国内对经典男装有爱好的人,可谓无人不知无人不晓,更进一步,说是崇敬也不为过(至少我是)。 饺子王就是北京买手店Brio的主理人George Wang,而麒麟王就是今天的主角,北京绅装买手店Sartorial的主理人,Kieran Wang。 Kieran用自己非凡的品味和对意式经典男装的体验,打造了Sartorial这家国内,甚至国际上都顶尖的精品男装买手店。 很荣幸能够与他交流,了解Kieran从与经典男装结缘到 Sartorial 成立及运营的故事,还有他对经典男装的独特见解。 Post Views: 3,085