作为神圣铁三角之二(另一个是John Lobb),Tuczek和Gatto的历史都是晦涩不明的,并非历史上有什么不清晰,而是因为现在公司已经不存在,没有家族成员的传承,这些历史信息都随风飘散了。 还是总有一些对历史有兴趣的人,皓首穷经,走访传人,将历史又拼凑起来,展现给世人。 Post Views: 67
Tag: Bespoke
在曾经顶级客户圈子中,皮鞋领域有三个鞋匠是最为认可的,对于他们来说,鞋匠的名气不重要,因为他们本人都是社会的顶部人士,但是鞋子是否做得舒适,优雅,他们太有发言权了,一辈子都在使用最顶级的东西。 这个神圣铁三角是John Lobb,Gatto和Nikolaus Tuczek。 Post Views: 207
这是一个相当复杂的店、品牌、人。 如果论及个人裁缝的实力,Gaetano Aloisio是公认当今世界前五(如果不是第一人的话)。 虽然我很早就了解到这位大师,但是最近与张春海老师(Hiiwen & Liiyuan定制联合创始人)的晚餐中,他提到他在罗马参加意大利裁缝协会金剪刀大赛期间(他获得二等奖),对协会主席Gaetano的了解,就是他心目中最好裁缝的存在。 Post Views: 222
In my opinion, Florentine tailoring style has only been accepted by Chinese classic menswear enthusiasts in the last year or two. Post Views: 1,245
Let’s talk about the price first, 9800 RMB for a set of two-piece suit, the entry price of Lancer, because the fabric is Reda. Post Views: 241
The current female representative of the world-renowned bespoke shoemakers is Emiko Matsuda, who came out of Foster & Son to start her own business. I didn’t realise there was one so close to us. Take a look at her story together. Post Views: 2,262
ZENG Jie has been in the industry for a long time and had a brilliant experience. Now, he slows down and focuses on making high-quality shoes. Let’s take a look at the story of Zeng Jie, the backbone of Yearn Shoemaker. Post Views: 2,152
I’ve been following the blog PermanentStyle, and what I’m probably most interested in is the effect of the clothes he made in various stores. The latest issue talks about tailoring house Ferdinando Caraceni. The clothes attracted me deeply, so handsome! Post Views: 588
George Cleverley was born in a shoemaking family in London on August 10th, 1898. As a child, he sold shoelaces and shoe polish. He was stationed in London at the age of 15 and then joined a military shipyard in Calais, France. Post Views: 3,348
Maftei comes from Vienna Austria, the same country as more famous Saint Crispin’s. The shop locates at Kühnplatz 6. Post Views: 3,711