青岛不算经典男装的消费中心城市,但是青岛的从业者,却代表了当今中国经典男装领域的巅峰。 张潇,中国独立裁缝的第一人。 姜道远,对于缝制鞋的专注,可以打动每一个人。 Post Views: 147
Tag: JIANG Daoyuan
Badia是来自山东青岛的缝制鞋品牌,创始人姜道远在意大利Stefano Bemer工作室学习工作了3年后,回到国内,创办了此品牌。 Post Views: 197
I’m afraid that many people are not familiar with this name, but his experience in shoemaking, among domestic shoemakers, is very orthodox and academic. As a Stefano Bemer studio trainee, after returning to China, JIANG Daoyuan became a bespoke shoemaker and later, created his own shoe brand Badia. As curious as everyone is about this
Before the round penny loafer, tassel loafer is the best seller of Badia, let us have a look at why. Post Views: 2,125
Badia released a new model of loafer which is very different with its previous sleek and slender ones, and the market applauded. When I looked at this pair, I thought of Lopez from John Lobb. To be fair, the last is different, however this last is too far away from its signature lasts. I contacted
When I looked back at my blog, I found I summarized Badia models as early as 2020, however something is strange. As the history is history already, not as a rumour or business secret any longer, it is OK to say that time, Badia has same models with Mattina and only different brands because JIANG