My Shoe Collection – Piccadilly from Church’s

Berluti and Church’s, two most successful dress shoe brands in the world, one backed by LVMH, the other Prada. Church’s even wins due to its much broader female customer base. Last year, Church’s price surged pretty much, which drew a lot of curses from classic menswear community. I don’t think Church’s care about this tiny

My Shoe Collection – John Lobb St. James Bespoke

The pinnacle in bespoke shoemaker even it is not so relevant as it was, not the only servant to Royal family or other powerful figures in the world, not the best or most beautiful shoes producer, John Lobb St. James occupies the highest position in this community with very little complain. When many people entered

My Shoe Collection – Pembrey from Church’s

Every time when the community talks about Church’s, the words are quite intense. Every time I glance at some forums especially made of very experienced connoisseur, Church’s are highly praised, but only for its shoes long time ago. It is so interesting that a same brand can have two extreme comments and both valid. I

My Shoe Collection – George Cleverley Bespoke

The same as the most famous bespoke shoemakers in West end London, speaking of current popularity and exposure, George Cleverley wins for a hundred miles. John Lobb St. James is very low key but the undeniable king, never begs for orders. George Cleverley sharpens its head to cut into Hollywood, in the whole series of


北町这个主攻北京实体店的皮鞋品牌,在近年来涌现的国产品牌中,算是另类的,为什么呢?因为网购趋势不可阻挡,各个品牌出来,都以网络销售为主,毕竟网络能够触及的人要多的多,而且国内的物流效率和价格,也都合理。但是北町背道而驰,从创立,就是门店为主,并且擦鞋服务也是吸引客人的要素之一,第一届中国Trunk Show擦鞋大赛的冠军,就来自北町。而将实体店开在首都,也有一些意料之外的好处,比如演员靳东就是自来水客户。 Post Views: 1,975