When we talk about the color of dress shoes, black comes first. The second place, I think it should be dark brown, and the third place, it is burgundy. Red sounds contradictory, won’t it be too eye-catching? But deep wine shadow like No. 8 color of Horween shell cordovan is very versatile, on loafers, I
Tag: Penny Loafer
As a person who disseminates knowledge, I hope I can share with everyone how to appreciate shoes, where shoes are good and where they are not. It is good to interpret them with specific examples. This pair of Carlos Santos is a good example. Let us check it out. Post Views: 3,327
Comparative science is a form of scientific research. Brought to dress shoes, it can provide data and inspiration. For readers, there is also fun to be had, at least for me in the process of summarizing. Post Views: 895
Badia released a new model of loafer which is very different with its previous sleek and slender ones, and the market applauded. When I looked at this pair, I thought of Lopez from John Lobb. To be fair, the last is different, however this last is too far away from its signature lasts. I contacted
Loafers have dominated the world for its convenience and maybe informality which matches the casual trend in clothing. Except for the formal business occasions requiring oxford, you see loafers everywhere. However, in Austria or middle Europe, loafers are not as popular as the rest of the world, it seems they still prefer derbies. In a
Unlined loafer is very popular in recent years for its advocated comfort, and Portuguese shoemaker Carlos Santos devised a model with tender colour combination to further improve your feet’s joy in summer, which is this model David. Let us have a look. Post Views: 1,746
Carlos Santos有一款乐福,Elliot,是它全球卖得最好的乐福,我店里也有三个皮革及颜色选择。Elliot在我眼里,第一眼很难和其他家的区分开来,虽然它的围裙区域使用的是John Lobb Lopez的缝制方式,便士开孔又拿来的J.M.Weston 180的形状然后再变得狭长一点,但始终太过普通。普通,也许就是它卖得最好的原因。 Post Views: 645
As a famous bespoke shoemaker in Austria, Maftei offers unlimited leather options to clients, such as elephant leather seen on this pair of chukka boots Mammoth, and stingray leather is very popular among its connoisseurs. Naturally, shell cordovan is in the menu, and Maftei certainly chooses the best in the world, which is from tannery
Berluti is the most famous dress shoe company in the world because its parent company has put a lot of resource to promote it, and the company is called LVMH which is best at marketing even in history. Before the acquisition of LVMH, Berluti was the leading French shoemaker already. Today, LVMH put tailoring heritage
乐福是中国男装第一皮鞋,没有任何争议。便士乐福是世界乐福鞋中的霸主。但是这个第一和霸主,没有调和在一起,因为中国男人最爱的乐福,或者说纯正一脚蹬,是这样的。 当然,我这双是意大利原版,但是精髓你知道了,鞋面无装饰性设计(我这双的鸵鸟腿皮不算),然后脚背皮延申较高。我认为这个较高的延申,是为了盖住脚背,显得更正式。不过这也是我的猜测而已,都穿乐福了,还什么正式不正式。 会出现这样的情况,我认为是改革开放后意大利时尚的疯狂涌入,成为了正统,就像桑塔纳在五菱宏光之前,是睥睨天下的神车一样。这个大众巴西特供版丢到中国,没想到成为30年顶级印钞机。 正本清源,请各位男性看回便士乐福这个更好看,更优雅,更自如,更不油腻的款式。 Post Views: 957