An Interview with GUAN Meng, the founder of Twinkima.G

Twinkima.G is a shoe brand based in Beijing, it has four physical stores which not only sell shoes, but also provide shoeshing service. The founder, GUAN Meng is very passionate about shoes and this business, let us find out his journey. Post Views: 2,349


这家来自北京的品牌也参加了第一届的中国Trunk Show,也算是广大皮鞋爱好者第一件见到他家的鞋子。 老板管萌,在刚开始打造自己的品牌的时候,我俩就认识了,关系挺好的。 说这个的意思,算是一个免责申明吧。但是是朋友的品牌或者鞋子,我只会要求自己更加客观,因为假如我吹他,很可能对这个产品的效果是反的。 Post Views: 1,387


Twinkima.G是2021上海Trunk Show的种子展商,也就是一开始我有这个设想,就是他撺掇的! 那为什么这个牌子大家没怎么听说呢? 因为他原本只走线下,在北京开了四家高端商场的独立门店,店里除了卖鞋,还有擦鞋服务,可谓风头无两。 Post Views: 1,631

Amazing Shoeshining Skills

Shoeshining, a fun competition that everyone can participate in, there have been many large and small activities and competitions in China. In the 2023 China Trunk Show, there are a few enthusiastic registrations, but professional players stepped in. This was the first time I was shocked on the spot, because the professional players are really