Speaking about Norwegese stitches, shoe aficionados may think of Paolo Scafora, however for broader audiences, Paraboot is the king. Post Views: 1,478
Category: Classic Menswear
I have many pairs of John Lobb shoes, it seems that everything has been talked about, even the model is different, that is just for one or two sentences. But the change is on me, when I have seen more shoes from more makers, more eras, I always spot new points on old things. Let
申明:非软文,未收受任何形式的好处。 这其实是个款式知多少的系列文章之一,但是有不少的背景知识可以给大家说一下。 首先,Thom Wills我谈论得极少,可能到目前为止,就只有一篇总结它皮鞋款式的文章。当时给我的感觉是,鞋子设计是相对正统保守的,但是款式太多,求多不求精。工艺不差,最起码看起来是不差的,价格自然是这个品牌成为中国缝制鞋当之无愧的霸主的杀手锏,不再赘诉。最后呢,基本也算是半只脚从经典男鞋/男装领域跨入了时尚领域,比如一些明星的代言(这个代言可能要打个引号),更加是脱离了我覆盖的领域。 Post Views: 2,715
Francis Waplinger is a rising bespoke shoemaker based in New York city, his shoes have very strong personal signature and quite opposite to the American mainstream dress shoes, much more elegant and artful. It is always good to know there are young generations love and practice in this craft. Let us get into his story.
经典男装,其实是一个宇宙,并不是很多人以为的就是西服,或者算上皮鞋,领带啥的。生活的方方面面,经典男装都包括了。因为本质来说,我们嘴里的经典男装,很大程度上,无非是对曾经英国贵族生活的全方位模仿。 Post Views: 1,923
王杨恺是谁?是干什么的?鞋匠还是裁缝?哪个品牌的主理人?都不是,但是说出他的花名,国内穿西服的人,都会觉得如雷贯耳,那就是胡椒盐! 我是他的粉丝,经常看他发的穿搭图,于是就想请他作为领路人,给大家聊聊穿西服的感觉。 我采访过很多从业者,但纯粹的消费者专访,还是第一次。 我的第一次,献给了胡椒盐。 Post Views: 2,090
我会阅读世界上许多时尚媒体和博客,几乎在大多数上,都会看到一个话题,可持续性。 我对这个一直有些不以为然。并不是说这个是不对的,而是觉得是不是太政治正确了。 Post Views: 1,692
Masachika Morita is a Japanese bespoke shoemaker who studied and lived in Italy for a long time. He apprenticed under the guide of master Roberto Ugolini and became a assistant of shoemaking in Accademia Riaci where he taught Emi Liao. With great education and apprentice in bespoke shoemaking, his story deserves more attention and maybe
Marc Guyot is a French boutique which offers inhouse designed shoes and bespoke tailoring. Its style is astonishing and standing out. It is a great pleasure to talk with the founder Marc Guyot and feel his passion and interpretation of how menswear should be. Post Views: 3,305
这是一篇硬文,我得给我的鞋店拉点生意,不然这个月都揭不开锅了。 主要是怕标题太长,太拗口,其实我想说的是,我店里三个主力品牌,买的一些客人,是看中他们的什么点。 以品牌首字母为顺序。 Post Views: 1,592