Fausto Ripani is a small Italian handmade shoe brand, and Andrea is the son of the founder Faustor Ripani. There are many shoemakers or workshops in Italy, and the most in the world speaking about quantity, It is interesting to know how they survive and make a living. Post Views: 1,574
Category: Classic Menswear
国内绅装有两位主理人,人称二王,麒麟王和饺子王。为什么会有昵称呢?因为他们是国内绅装的领军人物,Tastemaker。说出这两位的名字, 国内对经典男装有爱好的人,可谓无人不知无人不晓,更进一步,说是崇敬也不为过(至少我是)。 饺子王就是北京买手店Brio的主理人George Wang,而麒麟王就是今天的主角,北京绅装买手店Sartorial的主理人,Kieran Wang。 Kieran用自己非凡的品味和对意式经典男装的体验,打造了Sartorial这家国内,甚至国际上都顶尖的精品男装买手店。 很荣幸能够与他交流,了解Kieran从与经典男装结缘到 Sartorial 成立及运营的故事,还有他对经典男装的独特见解。 Post Views: 3,064
这个细节,是我在看赵准的鞋子时发现的问题。 鞋头前端上沿条的滚花,和沿条其他部位的密度是一样的。一样的难道不是正常的吗?滚花就是用一把工具啊。 问题是什么呢?是比例。 Post Views: 2,505
因为采访的缘故,和许多国际上的鞋匠有一些交流,采访的大多数,都是定制鞋匠,有些开始推出MTO业务。这些鞋匠的鞋子,不少都非常厉害,比如白樫徹哉的靴子,就是极品中的极品。 Post Views: 1,896
开局一张图。 雪落在温暖的鞋子上,融化了变成水,前掌区域水很快就渗进去了,但是鞋头上,为什么形成了硕大的水珠呢? Post Views: 2,061
好多次和人交流过目前国内鞋匠的困局。当时认为,国内鞋匠在工艺,手活上,并不比国外鞋匠差,但是审美上比较有缺陷。 Post Views: 1,896
我所关注和喜爱的西服和皮鞋在市场上的溃败,我认为可以归结于服装休闲化。西服和皮鞋历史以来,被赋予了太多商务,正式的属性,所以在休闲化,反正式的浪潮下,逐渐被街潮拍死在了沙滩上。 Post Views: 2,878
The best Spanish bespoke shoemaker, who apprenticed under a lady Master working in John Lobb St. James for 36 years, and opened his own atelier in Barcelona in 2014, Ramon Cuberta accepted my interview. Post Views: 2,842
Dan Flores, also known as An Uptown Dandy, is a menswear writer from East Harlem who has written for magazines like The Rake and websites such as A Suitable Wardrobe. His love of all things sartorial, combined with his passion for the history of New York City, led him to compile a photographic history of