Elliot是Carlos Santos在全球范围内最受欢迎的鞋款,有了良好的基础,自然各个经销商就开始整活了,推出各种各样的颜色和皮革,甚至不同的配置和鞋底,今天我先来历数一下市面上已经出现过的颜色。 Post Views: 464
Tag: Carlos Santos
我今天看到一双鞋子,虎躯一震,怎么和Carlos Santos的Elliot一模一样!撞衫的感觉可是非常差劲的! Elliot是Carlos Santos在中国,和在全世界都卖得最好的核心款式。我认为它卖得好,主要归功于两点,第一个是362楦型,法式Ivy,既休闲又不会像美式Ivy那么圆短。 Post Views: 546
Anyone who knows me knows that when I look at a brand, I care a lot about its originality. Because formal leather shoes are a small filed, the space for innovation and maneuver is almost zero in the eyes of outsiders. Aren’t dress shoes just dress shoes? Isn’t it what you wear for interviews, meetings,
这双鞋是Carlos Santos为付沛鞋店推出的特别款式,和那双蝴蝶乐福New一样。 这双鞋玩家属性极强,鞋面设计是大众最容易看到的点,但也是经典男装里比较难把握度的地方,尤其是往独特性方向走时。 一起看看这双做的如何。 Post Views: 1,133
因为我的工作出差特别多,而我又是一个非常轻装上阵的人,所以经常一周甚至两周,就穿同一双鞋。 我知道这样对鞋不健康,容易老旧得快,但是现实比人强,一个苦逼搬砖人,也没办法那么讲究了。 这双完美之鞋就是今年才出来的Carlos Santos的新款,New。New是鞋款名称,不是新的意思哦。 那为什么我觉得它完美呢? 一起来看看。 Post Views: 704
The shoe was developed by Swedish bloggers Kostas and Carlos Santos, and the latter took it to the 2021 China Trunk Show. After I looked at the shoes, I could only say that the customer group of Kostas was not at all the same as mine. Post Views: 2,538
Wholecut Oxford has gained a lot of popularity in the market and I play patina on this model. Post Views: 3,035
When we talk about the color of dress shoes, black comes first. The second place, I think it should be dark brown, and the third place, it is burgundy. Red sounds contradictory, won’t it be too eye-catching? But deep wine shadow like No. 8 color of Horween shell cordovan is very versatile, on loafers, I
There are too many articles explaining what Chelsea boot looks like and what is the history, let us drop it and go to unboxing directly. Post Views: 3,048
This is a pair of my rebellious works, questioned by everyone, and then, sure enough, overturned. Excited to receive the goods, open the box, see the shoes, and then I am speechless, I reflect on my liking for round toes, whether it is a little perverted. Let me do the unboxing first, when it comes