
大家应该记得我开箱过几双特吕弗的鞋子了,但每一双,我都原封不动的发回品牌方了。为什么呢?我和品牌方也说的很直白,鞋子不喜欢。你楦型搞意大利味道的,鞋子再来个擦色,这搞得我很尴尬啊。但是人家也说,真心希望你体验一下我们的鞋子。那我自己到他们天猫去看一下吧。 Post Views: 1,375

Unboxing Sapphire Suede Onepiece from Maftei

Maftei is an Austrian bespoke shoemaker who has a lot of followers and customer in middle Europe such as domestic and Germany, in the meantime, Nordic is a big base. Not to mention people around the world who visit Vienna would love to try his service. But from the shoes themselves, what makes Maftei famous?

Unboxing Rozsnyai Shoes from Hungary

Rozsnyai is a Hungarian brand based in Budapest and focus mainly on MTO. MTM is also offered with a small surcharge. When we talk about Hungarian shoes, Vass is the first into mind. However that Vass gains global reputation largely owes to U and F last developed by Italian master shoemaker Roberto Ugolini. Rozsnyai still