Unboxing Rozsnyai Shoes from Hungary

Rozsnyai is a Hungarian brand based in Budapest and focus mainly on MTO. MTM is also offered with a small surcharge. When we talk about Hungarian shoes, Vass is the first into mind. However that Vass gains global reputation largely owes to U and F last developed by Italian master shoemaker Roberto Ugolini. Rozsnyai still


在英国制鞋业躺平很多年,西班牙还有点奋进,意大利重心不放在工艺上时,中国的缝制鞋制鞋业却在不遗余力的军备竞赛。我无法评判这样的行为是否正确,但想来各个品牌如此选择,应该还是消费者有此需求吧。 特吕弗这个品牌我是看着它从无到有的,但我谈论的并不多,主要因为它更多走得是Thom Wills的路线,具体点,天猫流量运营,而不是面对比较懂行的皮鞋爱好者。如果你去看它的商品页面,真的很漂亮,信息很完善,我认为没有一个品牌做得比它好。 Post Views: 869

Unboxing 4391 from Carlos Santos Handcrafted Collection

Carlos Santos has four collection, Blake construction for Green collection, open channel Goodyear welted construction for mainline, Golden painted close channel Goodyear for Handgrade collection and its top collection, Handcrafted. Carlos Santos makes private label for many brands, such as English shoe shop Herring, the most famous online shoe shop, Skoaktiebolaget in Sweden also teamed