Conceria INCAS事实上是一个缩写,INiziative Conciarie Associate。成立于1972年,看名字就知道,是一个整合型的企业,最开始是14家制革厂联合成立的。 最初在Santa Croce,但于1983年搬到Castelfranco di Sotto。两个地方都在意大利的皮革重心,托斯卡纳地区。 Post Views: 1,046
Author: FU Pei
Hermès shoesis made by an Italian mystery shoe factory which is still unknown to most people, how about the quality of the shoes? Let us have a check. Post Views: 2,772
Hungary was the main base for shoes for the entire Soviet army during the former Soviet Union era. At that time, equipment in this area was very lacking, so all work was manual. In Hungary, there are many skilled shoemakers, and many of them have passed down this skill. Post Views: 3,559
Unboxing I have 10 sets of navy suits, I have tried other colors, patterns, but every time I want to commission new suits, I always choose navy blue. Navy blue is really the first color of gentlemen. Post Views: 2,622
Sons of Henrey has names for each model, and this field boot is called Byron. Let us look at this classic and very sought after model. Post Views: 984
After What is a chisel last and What is an almond last, the third one is what is a banana last. Post Views: 1,724
Which one is more common seen, smooth leather or grained (embossed) leather? For people who are new to dress shoes, or very seasoned shoe enthusiasts, smooth leather is more common, because whether it is Loafer or Oxford, it is the world of black smooth leather. But for people who are still extremely passionate about playing
There is a saying, almost recognized by everyone, that China has no good leather, if you want good leather, you can only buy European ones. But even if I buy the same collections from same European tanneries, the quality we got is not as good as the European shoe factories got. I wonder, is there
I have written many times about how I started selling shoes. Because I blog, I learn about the products of various brands globally. Some brands make me very excited, and naturally I want to buy. Buying oversea is not strange to me, nor do I feel troublesome, but because of the matter of writing things,
一家不太为皮鞋爱好者所知的法国皮革长,但是和它并列的,法国仅存的5家专注于小牛皮的另外四家,大家基本都听说和熟悉了,分别是Annonay,Du Puy,Degermann和Haas。和这四家都被大集团收购了一样,Tanneries Roux也在2012年被LVMH收购。 Post Views: 871