Everyknow knows what New means, however the model name is a tribute to New & Lingwood. Post Views: 1,394
Category: Classic Menswear
This article is a show-off and I swear it is not a commercial for the brand Mattina, because you can’t buy this commodity. I am very happy about this gift because it is so special and exquisite, and it is something I love, it is a wonderful surprise. Let us check it out. Post Views:
赶在暑假的结尾,借着周末,带着女儿到长沙转一圈,恰逢Stile Renaissance在这里开Trunk Show,过来看看。 Post Views: 636
作为一个圆胖爱好者,所有圆头的楦型,都让我更有亲近感,所有犀利的,棱角分明的,都让我敬畏且远离。 乐福是一个相对独特的款式,因为在所有正装皮鞋里,乐福是最不正式的,休闲程度最高的。(不要在这里争论Opera Pump。)正式在服装上,体现的就是棱角分明,就是我们想象的英式西服的横平竖直。所以休闲属性拉满的乐福,在全世界范围内,都是圆头当道。 而且随着服装休闲属性的升高,圆头的憨傻特性持续增加。这一点不仅仅在乐福上,德比,靴子都有很好的例证。 那么,是否有方头的乐福呢? Post Views: 719
Edward Green is the last destination for many dress shoe lovers, mainly because of two points, one, the conservative last and “boring” upper pattern, and second, the high-quality leather. Based on this feature, Edward Green’s Cap Toe Oxford, Chelsea has always topped the list. As for Dover, Galway and the like are just new celebrities.
就是这一双,杏仁楦,宽度友好,看起来Pie Crust围裙,鞋头内缝,黑色皮底,固特异工艺,葡萄牙生产。 那为什么要这么便宜地处理掉呢?因为我不满意。 Post Views: 736
Monk shoes have always been considered a kind of loafers, but in China, because people who like dress shoes are more proficient, so this classification has never been accepted. Monk loafer is to add a buckle to the loafer. Such a design suddenly entered the field of vision in recent years, and Edhen from Italy
Conceria INCAS事实上是一个缩写,INiziative Conciarie Associate。成立于1972年,看名字就知道,是一个整合型的企业,最开始是14家制革厂联合成立的。 最初在Santa Croce,但于1983年搬到Castelfranco di Sotto。两个地方都在意大利的皮革重心,托斯卡纳地区。 Post Views: 1,061
Hermès shoesis made by an Italian mystery shoe factory which is still unknown to most people, how about the quality of the shoes? Let us have a check. Post Views: 2,778
Hungary was the main base for shoes for the entire Soviet army during the former Soviet Union era. At that time, equipment in this area was very lacking, so all work was manual. In Hungary, there are many skilled shoemakers, and many of them have passed down this skill. Post Views: 3,575